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Aussie bloke goes for a spin in a laundromat dryer

14.12K Views0 Comments

G’day guys, how ya doing? One of the defining aspects of humanity is our propensity to dream. To think big. To flip the naysayers the proverbial bird and do the things the haters say can’t be done. We’ve conquered ...

This Coffee Shop Owner Has Found A Genius Way To Punish Rude Customers

3.61K Views0 Comments

To sound like an old man, if there’s one thing that’s really missing from today’s fast-paced world, it’s good manners. It just seems that it’s almost rare to hear someone use ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ these days.  I...

Mum Enlists Telco To Get Cheap Labour From 8 Year Old Daughter

1.70K Views0 Comments

You know, some Mum’s are pretty bloody cunning; you’ve got to give them that.  The reason I say this is that there’s a real ‘heart-warming’ story doing the rounds at the moment where an 8 year old girl messaged a Telc...

Kid Orders Bong Online, Mum Wants To Watch Him Open Parcel

17.97K Views0 Comments

Ah, the humble bong.  For some people, a simple orchy bottle will suffice, however, some people – like the kid in this amusing little video need something classier, something more refined, something more likely to get...

Police Use Gag From ‘The Simpsons’ To Trick Criminals Into Handing Themselves In

22.73K Views0 Comments

It can’t be bloody easy working as a boy in blue these days. With all the technology scumbags and lowlifes everywhere have access to, you’d have to be coming up with all sorts of innovative techniques to make sure you...

YouTuber Who Cemented His Head Into Microwave Continues To Piss People Off

21.29K Views0 Comments

You may have seen a recent viral video where a pommy bloke accidentally cements his head into a microwave and has to be rescued by emergency services.  Apparently, people are now expecting him to apologise for what th...

Man Owns Racist Woman When She Didn’t Believe He Could Be A First Class Passenger

35.43K Views0 Comments

Racism comes in many forms.  Whether we’re talking about the totally f****d up extreme and violent end of racism or the bloody insidious form that poisons people’s minds and encourages them to act out on prejudices th...

Groom Meets Best Man For The First Time After 15 Years Of Gaming Online Together

2.13K Views0 Comments

We all know that weddings are pretty important to the sheilas, but while they’re worrying about their dress and their hair, the groom has to put some bloody serious consideration into who’s going to be the best man.  ...

You Can Buy A Holden Monaro With A Built In Barbecue

2.07K Views0 Comments

The whole world knows that us Ozzys love a barbecue.  We’re famous for them.  And although we might not have any clue what a shrimp is, I’m sure we’d eat one if it was grilled to perfection in the backyard and washed ...

400lbs Current World’s Strongest Man Steps Into The Ring With 140lb Pro Boxer

24.93K Views0 Comments

I f*****g love a good old ‘who would win’ conversation. The possibilities in the match-up are endless: Who would win: Arnold Schwarzenegger in Predator or Arnold Schwarzenegger in Kindergarten Cop? Who would win: Hump...

Russian Bear Currently on the Loose Carrying Two Guns Stolen From Hunter

16.97K Views0 Comments

F*** YES! You read that sh** properly. There is a bear on the loose in Russia (where else) with two guns.  The cheeky ursine prick broke into a hunter’s cabin, stole the weapons and is now presumably hunting the hu...

Australian Ferry To Be Officially Named Ferry McFerryface After Public Vote

2.23K Views0 Comments

All right, Wanky McWankfaces, the votes are in! Yes, despite humanity collectively deciding that commitment to a meme is far more important than classical naming conventions in the recent past; Sydney Ferries invited ...

Soccer Player Scores Two Goals, Subs Himself Off, Runs To See His New Baby Born

2.58K Views0 Comments

To the average bloke who might not know much about professional football, it can seem like a very serious and intense world. There’s millions of dollars riding on every decision, success or failure can mean promotion ...

Footage Of This Canadian “Road Rage” Incident Has Gone Viral

37.06K Views0 Comments

These days it seems like everyone suffers from a little bit of road rage. If there’s a close call on the roads it’s not unusual to see two adults just lose their sh**, flip the bird and exchange colourful language. An...

Bloke Hands Himself In To Police After Losing Bet on Facebook

2.57K Views0 Comments

You’ve got to love an honest criminal. They might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, the brightest star in the sky or the quickest wit in the west, but they’re usually pretty bloody good for entertainment and a lau...

These Trail Cameras Captured a Little More Than Anyone Could Have Intended

25.73K Views0 Comments

If you’re familiar at all with the internet you’re undoubtedly aware of photobombs, selfies and candid footage. Humans have been all over that sh** for quite some time now. They love it. But they’re not the only ones....

Bloke Refuses To Stop Smoking While Pumping Fuel, Employee Has Perfect Solution

19.11K Views0 Comments

I just absolutely love it when smokers are the butt of a joke. That’s what makes this video so bloody good. It’s filmed on security cam from a service station and it’s believed to be from Bulgaria. Now, if there’s ...

Collection Of Tweets Perfectly Describe The Experience Of Being Married

13.83K Views0 Comments

Marriage.  I might not actually be married, but I do have a gorgeous fiancée and we live in the same house so I’m going to go right ahead and assume I’m qualified to talk about this. One of the real joys of knowing so...

Guy Gets The Same Tattoo As His Dog Without Knowing What It Really Means

3.12K Views0 Comments

I’m not sure what the greatest thing about the internet is, but I know that dodgy f*****g tattoos have to be right up there. As the kind of guy who’s always loved laughing at the misfortune of others, I find there’s s...

People Are Spotting Some Dodgy Sh*t Hidden In Children’s Books

9.50K Views0 Comments

One of the best things about being an adult is getting to read and watch stuff with ‘adult themes’. Whether it’s dirty jokes, cheeky references, sexual activity or just a plain old bit of the old ultra-violence, us ad...