Town Airs Its Laundry In Defiance of Anonymous Letter
If there’s one thing we love here in Ozzyland, it’s a good old-fashioned rebellion. We simply love people who stick it to the ‘man’ and stick their middle fingers up at the tall poppies who look down on others. The town of Colyton in the UK is no different. So when an anonymous letter-writer criticised a local mother, they should have expected some typically British passive-aggression.
When Claire Mountjoy, a 47-year-old mother, needed to dry her laundry, she did it the sensible way. She stuck it out in the fresh air. It’s something no one could possibly take offense too, right?
Erm, yeah-nah, they could. And they did. Yep, if this was a pantomime, we’d now have reached the bit where the audience would have to start yelling, “Look out behind you!” That would be because the local busybody has decided to stick their two-cents in.

You’d identify the letter writer just from the lack of washing outside their house. Credit: SWNS
Ms Mountjoy, a teacher and environmentalist, received an anonymous letter. It said:

“I stole all of these from me neighbours!” Credit: SWNS
‘We all try hard to keep our lovely town thriving and looking good. While we understand you have a small house with no outside room for your boys, would you please consider using a tumble dryer or hanging the washing indoors. This letter is not written with malice but we ask you to please help us all keep Colyton a town we can all be proud of.’
The thing is Colyton in Devon is a town known as Britain’s most rebellious town for a reason. When word of the anonymous letter reached a community Facebook page, locals decided they’d piss the letter-writer off in the best way possible: they all started hanging their laundry outside. Locals are even considering making it an annual event.

They won’t need to reverse out any time soon. Surely. Credit: Wessex news Agency
Final thought: This is just bloody awesome. The town has got right behind Mountjoy and shown the nosy parker behind the letter that they don’t speak for everyone. If this doesn’t bring a smile to your face, you only have to picture whoever wrote the letter sitting there in their lounge-room shaking their head in disapproval of the latest turn of events and you’ll soon be beaming like a Cheshire cat. Good sh*t, Colyton in Devon. You’ve shown us all what it means to live in a community!
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H/T: Daily Mail.