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Elon Musk has revealed his newborns name and the internet has had a bloody field day

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Yeah, yeah, we know as well you do that famous people give their newborns completely bats**t names all the time. It’s not a new thing, and it’s certainly not going to stop anytime soon, but anyone who thought that Elo...

These f*@#en super specific insults are some of the Internet’s finest

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While we loathe to condone the behaviour of internet trolls everywhere, you have to admit that one of the greatest things about the internet is the free-reign it gives to people who are f**ken awesome at talking s**t....

Parents share what quarantining with kids is really like

4.30K Views0 Comments

All right, if you’ve got social media, we’re going to guess that you have friends and family on there who can’t help but update you about every little thing their kid does, even if that means they have to film their k...

There’s a Sub-Reddit dedicated to photoshopping Trump into a baby

1.21K Views0 Comments

We’ve said this before, but Photoshop games are amongst our favourite things on the internet. Combining creativity and sarcasm, they’re just a special blend of awesome. When you consider that everyone needs a good blo...

Bloke creates incredible 4k timelapse of 30 days at sea on cargo ship

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For some people, the idea of being caught on a bloody boat for a long period of time might fill them with dread. For others, that sounds like bloody paradise. After having a squiz at this incredible timelapse of a sai...

Vigilante hacks into scammer call centre’s CCTV cameras

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In the interest of wearing our hearts on our sleeves, we’re going to just point out that scammers can get f**ked. Obviously, anyone with an ounce of common decency in their soul agrees with that statement, but while i...

Puddle of Mudd have been roasted online after covering Nirvana track ‘About a Girl’

13.34K Views0 Comments

Bloody Nirvana aren’t a band that needs an introduction, so we’re not gonna give ‘em one. After all, everyone loves ‘em. And, of course, with anniversary of lead-singer Kurt Cobain’s death having passed a couple of we...

These Dad’s are bloody nailing the dad-text game

17.40K Views0 Comments

If there’s one thing dads are known for it’s their ability to make a dreadful pun out of pretty much any situation. Fair dinkum, it’s like as soon as baby’s conceived, they develop a superpower that lets them develop ...

This bloke trolls Facebook pages pretending to be customer service, and it’s bloody gold

13.34K Views0 Comments

You might remember that a while ago we covered a bloke from Pommyland who was calling himself the Amazing Troll-Man and having a bit of fun on company’s official Facebook pages. If you don’t, this bloody legend had se...

This journo’s ‘scolding’ from boss went viral after using meme background in zoom call

27.87K Views0 Comments

As you’re no doubt aware, most of the free world is relying on video calls in a pretty f**ken big way right now. Generally speaking, that s**t’s not too difficult, and if you work somewhere sensible, you’ll know that ...

Russell Brand & Ricky Gervais debate Atheism on newly released podcast

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In the world of celebrity poms with loads to say, they don’t come much bigger than Russell Brand and Ricky Gervais. Deadset, between the two of them, they could probably generate enough conversation and opinion to occ...

Photographer captures once-in-a-lifetime horizontal rainbow that filled the entire sky

6.15K Views0 Comments

You guys know we love to talk about bloody nature and natural phenomena here at Ozzy Man Reviews, so you won’t be surprised to know that when we saw this awesome story about a horizontal rainbow, we wanted to share it...

These homemade masks are bloody brilliant

5.90K Views0 Comments

When you think about it, it’s kinda strange that we weren’t all clued up to the idea of facemasks and respirators at the beginning of this whole Covid-19 thing. Don’t get us wrong, we know the advice was for regular b...

People are now dressing up to celebrate taking the rubbish bins out every week

5.79K Views0 Comments

We’ve all heard of cabin fever, so let’s not beat around the bloody bush. By this stage of lockdown, some people are starting to really long for the outside world. They’re used to dressing up, going out, seeing people...

Watch what happens when this bloke leaves a jar of pond-water on his windowsill

13.30K Views0 Comments

If you’re anything like us, you’re bloody fascinated by the myriad ways in which nature operates. Obviously, we talk about cool s**t like big bloody predatory land animals pretty frequently. S**t, we even venture into...

Matthew McConaughey hosted a bingo session on Zoom for seniors in isolation

10.16K Views0 Comments

As you know, much of the world is currently confined to lockdown. As a result, more and more of us seem to be becoming au fait with the use of live streaming technology and video-calling software to conquer the isolat...

Forget the doom and gloom for now – here’s some bloody good news stories

7.30K Views0 Comments

Here at Ozzy Man reviews, we know as much as you do that it’s pretty easy to get caught up in doom, gloom, fear, and paranoia right now, but despite all of the chaos and the changes to our daily lives, this whole thin...

Legend explains how to turn an IKEA lamp into the f**ken death-star

13.62K Views0 Comments

Mate, right now, the internet’s coming up with plenty of ways for the good folks of the locked-down world to pass their time in social isolation. Surprisingly, relatively few of those seem to involve spanking the span...

UK couple catch their neighbour dressing up as a shrub to escape lockdown

11.24K Views0 Comments

We’ve all got that one bloke on the street that’s a bit of a clown. Don’t get us wrong, we know that some Ozzies have neighbours who live miles and miles away, but the point still stands. There’s a village idiot in ev...

Twitter responds to Jimmy Fallon asking what they’re doing while in quarantine

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Love or hate Jimmy Fallon, you can’t say that the bloke doesn’t get his audience interacting well. Now, with most of the US on lockdown, the talk-show host is so bored he’s started finding out what other people are do...