All Crikey!

UFC Fighter inconsolable after nasty fight ending eye-poke

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There’s no two ways about it; mixed-martial arts is not a sport for the weak. Yeah, nah, even if you win you’re probably gonna get punched in the f**ken head, and even the accidental risks are ones that can send you t...

Archaeologists find preserved Roman Chariot from eruption that destroyed Pompeii

8.83K Views0 Comments

Mate, pretty much everyone knows about the vast archaeological site of Pompeii, and is familiar with what happened there. After all, it’s pretty much the poster-boy for towns destroyed – and preserved – by erupting vo...

This drone-shot film flying through bowling alley is the best thing I’ve seen this year

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As you’re probably aware, people around the world are using drones more and more. In particular, we’re seeing them used for capturing some great aerial footage, and if this new video of a bowling alley captured on fil...

This legend absolutely tears it up on a 14-string guitar

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Yeah, look, we’re not gonna sit here and pretend we know much about guitars. The reason for that is simple, we don’t know much about ‘em. We know they sound f**ken good, all the best music is played on ‘em, and they c...

Cheeky croc steals shark off fisherman’s line in Western Australia

16.98K Views0 Comments

Mate, we know we talk a lot about Australia being the land of the predator and make plenty of quips about the food chain and the fact that crocs are the big dogs at the top if it, but this little bit of drama backs th...

Latest SpaceX test flight nails the landing but still bursts into flames

4.40K Views0 Comments

If you’ve been following SpaceX’s attempts to perfect the landings of their SpaceX starships, you’ll know the Elon Musk-owned company is dedicated to getting its ships ready to take humanity to the moon and back on a ...

Video of Oklahoma wide receiver Spencer Jones picking the wrong one emerges

720 Views0 Comments

Here at Ozzy Man Reviews, we’re all about the idea that there’s a time and a place for biff. Yeah, nah, don’t get us wrong, we bloody love watching it in the steel cage, in the squared circle, and in movies, but unles...

Urgent recall issued for Ozzy Beer Bright Brewery Pineapple Dream

415 Views0 Comments

If you’re anything like us, you probably love beer. There’s a good reason for that: it’s delicious. Plus, with all the experimentation going on in the world of craft beer, there’s tonnes of good stuff happening. Unfor...

Knife-wielding rooster sends owner to Destination F@*#ed trying to escape cockfight

94.66K Views0 Comments

To be honest, we really kinda want to be tactful here with this story, but we’re struggling. After all, we’re all about love for our fellow man and compassion for the victims of tragic circumstances. On the other side...

Escaped sheep rescued from 35kg fleece

3.98K Views0 Comments

Mate, when it comes to sheep, there’s really not much funnier than finding one that’s gone a little too long without a good trim. Yeah, nah, the hipster look is in right now, but when sheep get a bit too shaggy, they’...

Here’s the most common s**t Aussies have been asking Alexa

39.36K Views0 Comments

If you’re anything like most of the world, you probably know that Amazon’s Alexa Home devices are becoming pretty bloody common. Yeah, nah, the days of worrying about whether big-tech is listening to you are long gone...

Steve Irwin’s son is now a nature photographer and just won an award for his photo of raging bushfire

9.96K Views0 Comments

As you know, we’re big bloody fans of the Irwin clan here at Ozzy Man Reviews, and we reckon that big Steve would be bloody stoked with the work his kids are doing to make the world a better place for wildlife everywh...

Epic banter between Happy Gilmore and Shooter McGavin on 25th anniversary

10.36K Views0 Comments

If you wanna feel bloody old, just consider that Happy Gilmore has just celebrated its 25th anniversary. Deadset, it feels like only yesterday that we watched it for the first time (and all the other times), but yeah,...

Footage shows Police playing “Beatles” to trigger Instagram copyright filter

18.60K Views0 Comments

As we’ve said a lot lately, we live in really  f**ken interesting times. All around the world, there’s a new rise of extreme right politics, a global pandemic, and no desire at all to fix the issues with the environme...

Metal-head bloke turns uncle’s skeleton into fully functional guitar!

10.29K Views0 Comments

If you know your metal music, you’ll know that it’s chock-full of skeletal imagery and songs about dead stuff. You’ll also know that the axes wielded by some of the genre’s musicians are gnarly f**ken beasts that look...

Pommy cereal company upsets everyone with controversial tweet

6.83K Views0 Comments

We might have touched on this before, but while we have Weet-Bix here in Ozzyland, the poms have a similar cereal called Weetabix. While there might be minor differences, they’re basically the same. Given that, you pr...

Footage captured of deer wearing another deer’s skull

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In the world of animal battles, there are very few creatures that can demonstrate the same kind of majestic spectacle that two buck deer can generate when they draw a line in the snow and f**ken have at it. Don’t get ...

The moment the Utah Avalanche struck – caught on film!

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Thanks to the movies, it can be pretty tempting to think you know all about natural disasters and scary f**ken events. We’re willing to bet, though, that the reality is pretty f**ken different. Deadset, we live in Aus...

Rapper Lil Uzi Vert gets a $24 million diamond pierced to his forehead

22.93K Views0 Comments

When it comes to fashion, there are more than a few who think you can never be too gaudy. Personally, we don’t get it, but that’s probably because we’ve never had the money to. If we were loaded to the gills, we might...

Bin-man sacked for kicking snowman petition gets thousands of signatures

83.15K Views0 Comments

If you’ve been paying any attention to news coming out of Pommyland over the last week or so, you’ll know that times are tough and that news is slow. Still, it’s not like it’s dead. Yeah, nah, there’s been a huge publ...