Ozzy Man

Editor in Chief

Bloke faces 34 months in jail after farting in police officer’s face

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We’re pretty sure this isn’t a new sentiment on this site, but we’ll fully admit that in the right time and the right place, a fart can be funny. Yeah, nah, no shame, but a well-placed grunt, a well-timed barking spid...

Bloke sets world record by floating downriver in a massive pumpkin

1.42K Views0 Comments

World records are f**ken great! Deadset, not only do they recognise amazing achievements, but they truly show us that talent is a diverse concept that we can’t limit to certain fields. Yeah, nah, there are amazing wor...

Mark Zuckerberg reveals his MMA skills in sparring video

3.80K Views0 Comments

These days, it seems like every bloody social media celebrity is getting into MMA or boxing, so it was probably only a matter of time before Zuckerberg, the prototype social media owner, got in on the act. And wouldn’...

Bloke’s “emotional support alligator” astonishes patrons of US water park

4.02K Views0 Comments

If you’re anything like us, you probably hear the word alligator and think about a huge man-eating reptile. You know what, though, we shouldn’t do that. Yeah, nah, it’s stereotyping and that s**t’s bad. Because, let’s...

Locals left baffled as rare phenomenon fills the sky in China

8.45K Views0 Comments

We’re not gonna lie, we’re actually pretty f**ken easy to impress when it comes to cool stuff in nature. Deadset, we see a particularly fluffy cloud and we’re thrilled to bits. A nice green tree? You’d better believe ...

Disneyland Gaston breaks character after woman touches him inappropriately

529 Views0 Comments

We don’t know about you folks out there in the comments section, but we’re all about personal boundaries and respect here at Ozzy Man Reviews. Yeah, nah, we reckon consideration for others is the greatest thing on ear...

Rabid Fox picks fight with Grandma

21.08K Views0 Comments

Oh yes, welcome to fight day, you big bloody bewdiful legends! Today, we’re getting straight to business with a somewhat unexpected battle. Yeah, nah, these two unlikely opponents had no f**ken idea they’d be getting ...

Aussie Diver records ‘last moments’ while stranded at sea

480 Views0 Comments

One of the interesting things about the ubiquitous nature of cameras these days is that they’re able to record f**ken everything. Yeah, nah, if you’re seeing some crazy s**t, you can record it; if you’re having the ti...

Hotel employee reveals the truth of working overnight on the front desk

2.34K Views0 Comments

If you’re like most people, you’re probably considering or will consider a change in career at some point in the near future. Yeah, nah, even when we love our jobs, there’s a high chance we get bored of them at some p...

Giant slide closed down hours after opening due to major design error

46.86K Views0 Comments

Anyone of a certain vintage knows that play equipment hasn’t been the same for a while. And, look, before you go telling us we’re longing for the old days, we’re not. We lost too many friends to old-fashioned roundabo...

Drone captures moment Florida man is f**ked by “huge” gator

673 Views0 Comments

Maaate, you know that we love a bloody good crocodiliac story here at Ozzy Man Reviews! You also know that we love an underdog story, a survival story, and a defy the f**ken odds and come out the other side scathed bu...

Bloke accidentally chops off his own d*ck while dreaming about cutting meat

381 Views0 Comments

We’re pretty sure you’re all familiar with the concept of a nightmare. After all, they’re not exactly uncommon. Still, this story is gonna redefine the s**t out of the idea of a night terror. Basically, the dude in th...

Bloke flies halfway around the world to track down stolen Airpods!

435 Views0 Comments

One of the most annoying things in life is losing s**t you f**ken need. Yeah, nah, we’ve all been in a situation when we’ve had one of our most utilised possessions go AWOL, but usually that’s where the story ends. Fo...

This bloke built legs for a snake, here’s how it reacted

24.30K Views0 Comments

As you lot are no doubt aware, we bloody love snakes here at Ozzy Man Reviews. Yeah, deadset, our country’s renowned for playing host to tonnes of the legless little buggers, and as typical Aussie blokes who sometimes...

Professional partier who gets paid to smash pints has ‘secret hangover cure’

4.53K Views0 Comments

As you lot probably know, we don’t mind knocking back the occasional mid-strength beer here at Ozzy Man Reviews. Yeah, nah, you can’t hide facts and we’d be lying if we said otherwise, but even we’re a bit wary of the...

22-yr-old Aussie model defends relationship with 57-yr-old boyfriend

327 Views0 Comments

As you know, we’re not big on hanging s**t on people for no reason here at Ozzy Man Reviews. Nah, we like to give every cobber a fair shake of the giggle-stick and we reckon that s**t’s only fair. So when Brightne Qua...

South Park creator wishes he could permanently delete three seasons

14.55K Views0 Comments

We don’t know about you lot, but we bloody love South Park here at Ozzy Man Reviews. It’s easily one of the most iconic animated satires of its generation, and it’s still going strong after twenty-five years. Deadset,...

Physicist forced to apologise after trying to pass off chorizo as “space telescope” photo

6.54K Views0 Comments

If you’ve been kicking around this website and the Facebook comments for a while, you know we love to give people the benefit of the doubt here at Ozzy Man Reviews. Sometimes, though, that’s a pretty hard gig. Yeah, n...

UFC’s Hannah Goldy auctions off used underwear after UFC London defeat!

11.71K Views0 Comments

Everyone knows that when you’re a successful UFC fighter, you’re looking at some pretty reasonable pay checks. What they don’t talk about, though, is the other side of that. Being involved with such a high-profile spo...

Welcome to the f@*#en US Mullet Championships!

11.77K Views0 Comments

You know what, whether you bloody love ‘em or you bloody hate ‘em, you’ve gotta say that the mullet has staying power. F**ken deadset, they’ve not gone anywhere for years, and they’re not about to anytime soon. We’re ...