Ozzy Man

Editor in Chief

Elon Musk’s new and only house is worth $50,000

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Before we begin, we’d just like to point out the obvious. When you’re talking about shacks, there’s a pretty fair question about whether or not a shack that costs $50,000 really counts as a ‘shack’ at all. After all, ...

Conan O’Brien and Seth Rogen spark up on television

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In the world of celebrities who obviously smoke pot, Seth Rogen is one of those guys who is clearly and obviously a pothead. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Yeah, nah, the guy’s well-known for his weed busi...

Bloke gets pants pulled down while trying to flee court after bail revoked

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There’s nothing worse than having a complete shocker. Yeah, nah, we’ve all been there, and they happen to the best of us, but some days you’ve just gotta look back on an event in our lives and say that it wasn’t our f...

Italian football presenter denies having an on air Basic Instinct moment

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When it comes to the gash-flash there probably isn’t one more infamous than Sharon Stone’s from Basic Instinct. Yeah, nah, whether you’ve seen the movie or not, you probably know that it’s the one in which Stone gave ...

US Navy tests new warships with bomb-blast equivalent to 3.9 magnitude earthquake

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If there’s one thing we know about Americans, it’s that they f**ken love to blow s**t up. Naturally, their Navy are huge fans of explosions, and when it comes to blowing s**t to f**ken smithereens, they’re right up th...

This bloke chronicled 35 years of his life and made a movie in reverse!

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As you’re no doubt aware, we live in a world that actually has an International Selfie Day. Yeah, nah, we live in an awesome society that actually celebrates awesome things like taking pictures of yourself, and we’re ...

These bloody ripper food combos will make your stomach turn

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Rightio, before we start this one, we’re just going to point out that we’re not entirely without self-awareness here at Ozzy Man Reviews. We might be a few beers deep, and we might love a bit of vegemite on toast, but...

These tattoos aged well. Really well.

14.12K Views0 Comments

Here at Ozzy Man Reviews, one of our favourite sayings is this one: ‘Opinions are like ar**eholes; everyone’s got one.’ The reason for that is simple. It’s true. Yeah, nah, take something like tattoos for example. You...

This bloke had a piece of his brain cut out and can no longer feel fear

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It’s not uncommon to hear the word ‘fearless’ thrown around to describe moments of courage and bravery, but have you ever wondered what it would be like to actually lose all sense of your fight-or-flight fear response...

9 things worn the f@#k out by time and nature

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If you’ve ever gotten to the end of a tough week at work and felt worn down, we reckon you’ll relate to the images in this story. F**k, we reckon you might even relate if you’ve had a tough day. That’s because this on...

Lobster diver swallowed whole by humpback whale while fishing

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As you know, we bloody love an interesting wildlife story here at Ozzy Man Reviews, and when we saw this one, we knew we had to share it with you. The poor f**ker in this story was diving for lobster when a f**ken hum...

Bloke proposes to girlfriend using sky writing, follows up with gold Joe Rogan troll

6.20K Views0 Comments

Joe Rogan’s a bloody interesting character. Immensely popular, often controversial, and frequently maligned, you can’t deny that he fits a pretty specific niche in the pop culture landscape: a niche that, according to...

Sheila shows off her cheeky twerking skills on top of a building for prison inmates

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Life behind bars is quite obviously tough. Don’t get us wrong, we know that sounds a bit patronising, but it’s just the reality of things. After all, the whole point of the place is to take away freedoms. Of course, t...

New York Times accidentally publishes story about watermelons on Mars

593 Views0 Comments

Yeah, nah, get your tinfoil hats on, folks, because there’s some serious s**t going down right now. In a total blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment of complete f**kery at the New York Times, a pretty f**ken suspicious arti...

Big F#%K Off Mexican sinkhole forces family out of new house

5.35K Views0 Comments

One of the natural disasters we tend to overlook here at Ozzy Man Reviews is the bloody sinkhole. Yeah, nah, these sneaky f**kers can cause massive damage and harm, but for some reason, they don’t seem to get the atte...

Pro sports gambler buys childhood team and turns them into real life “Moneyball” powerhouse

6.62K Views0 Comments

We’re gonna hazard a guess and say that if you’re familiar with the term ‘moneyball’ you’ve considered trying to make it work. Don’t get us wrong, we’re not suggesting you have the money to do it, we’re just saying th...

LockPicking Lawyer owns professional Locksmith who challenged him in just 28 seconds

26.03K Views0 Comments

If you’ve seen the LockPicking Lawyer’s videos, you’ll know that he’s a bit of a gun when it comes to picking locks. Obviously, that s**t goes with the territory, but apparently, he doesn’t have the best name with loc...

Locals in this small Aussie town are creeped out by this mysterious doll

762 Views0 Comments

Bloody everyone knows full-well that you don’t f**k with creepy little dolls. Yeah, nah, deadset, unless they’re where they bloody belong – in a toy pram or on the shelves of a toy store – dolls are scary as f**k. So,...

Bloke with musical marble machine is back and this thing is bloody mint

732 Views0 Comments

Rightio, ya big bloody bewdiful legends, for today’s piece, we’re gonna need to take a little ride back in time. We’re having a squiz at YouTube’s musical marble master, Wintergatan’s latest video and comparing it bac...

Some of the funniest things we all do – but never admit to…

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If you’ve ever been through high school, you might remember your English teacher harping on about s**t like ‘the human condition’ and making out that it’s this high and mighty concept that explores how we deal with hu...