OzzyMan Videos

60-yr-old Vice President selects himself to play champions league match

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When you think about it, there are definite perks to being a corrupt politician in a small South American country. Don’t get us wrong, the cons definitely outweigh the pros, but when you know that it’s probably all go...

Gorillas engaged in explicit fellatio in front of shocked zoo visitors

449 Views0 Comments

Seeing as you’re a smart bunch of people out there in the comments section, we reckon you probably know that several species of apes actually take pleasure out of sexual acts. Yeah, nah, funnily enough, humans aren’t ...

Rare condition causes bloke to poo from his penis and ejaculate semen from his butt

461 Views0 Comments

Obviously, illnesses and ailments come in all shapes and forms, but sometimes even we’re a bit surprised by the specific nature of some of them. Take for example the affliction in today’s story: a mix-up between the t...

Is this the creepiest dog in the world?

6.99K Views0 Comments

While it’s no secret that Twitter can be a dumpster-fire of political opinion and stupid hot-takes, it’s also the kind of place that sometimes throws up a bit of internet gold. Reaction to a recent tweet about ‘the wo...

“I look like a f*@#ing Karen”: TikToker sobs after $300 haircut fail

603 Views0 Comments

We’re pretty sure that by this stage of the game, you don’t need us to explain what exactly a ‘Karen’ is. Yeah, nah, these self-righteous and entitled women are renowned the world over. They want to speak to the manag...

Contractor sledgehammers construction and claims customer refuses to pay

258 Views0 Comments

These bloody videos of tradies and builders smashing s**t up after the customer ‘refuses’ to pay seem to be pretty bloody popular at the moment, and that’s why we’re not surprised we’ve got another one for you here. A...

TV Presenter taken out and dragged to the ground by guide dog on live TV

18.09K Views0 Comments

We like to think we are people of the people here at Ozzy Man Reviews. Deadset, that’s why we – like you – reckon dogs are f**ken awesome. Deadset, these intelligent and noble creatures can rescue people from avalanch...

US Bloke arrested for repeatedly calling cops to say he was “tired”

285 Views0 Comments

If you’re anything like us, you probably remember being told as a kid that you should never call emergency services unless there’s a real emergency. You might also remember a very pissed-off fire-fighter scaring the s...

Conor McGregor rivals 50 Cent for worst-ever first pitch at baseball game

10.48K Views0 Comments

Yeah, look, people are gonna say it, so yeah, we’ll jump in first. We clickbaited the f**k out of that headline. Deadset, you’re probably thinking that Conor’s up to his usual tricks, but it’s nothing that severe. Yea...

Nicole Ritchie accidentally sets her hair on fire while trying to blow out birthday candles

288 Views0 Comments

When you think about it, birthday candles are an interesting way of decorating a cake. Not only do you have to pick off wax that gets in the wrong spot, but you also have to run the risk of the birthday bloke (or shei...

The moment a diver is confronted by a 7 metre anaconda

11.42K Views0 Comments

As you probably know, Anacondas can get f**ken huge. Deadset, these girthy serpents are the reptilian masters of their underwater realm. That might be why they’ve developed a bit of a reputation as being man-eaters ov...

US Mum loses her s**t over school book with sexual details she “had to Google”

86.49K Views0 Comments

If you ever actually read the books you were told to at school, you’ll know that not all of them are the sweet and cuddly kind that you might expect. Yeah, nah, the kinda literature doing the rounds in school curricul...

Teen gets USB cable stuck in urethra

444 Views0 Comments

Let’s start this one with a f**ken trigger warning. It’s f**ked. You’ll know from the headline whether it’s your kinda read or not, so let’s get to it. A 15-year-old Pommy kid has ended up in hospital after a bedroom ...

The most entertaining delivery in village cricket history was recently caught on film

9.79K Views0 Comments

While we all know the big money in sport is what gets passed around when the pros play, those of us who’ve spent our time in pi**sweak social leagues and competed against regular blokes know that’s where the real argy...

Barber cuts hair while ‘fishing’ at the beach to flout lockdown laws

278 Views0 Comments

As you’re no doubt aware, more than a few blokes and sheilas in lockdown-affected areas of the world are looking a bit bloody shaggy. Yeah, nah, there’s bloody plenty of dodgy home-cut mullets doing the rounds right n...

Macca’s Caramilk rumour leaves Aussies f@*#en frothin’

2.11K Views0 Comments

Yeah, let’s face it, regardless of the health implications, we all love a bit of junk food. Deadset, there’s nothing quite as good as just throwing caution to the wind and chowing down on some sugary goodness. When th...

KFC drive-through bucket myth busted

24.12K Views0 Comments

Every bloke and their blue heeler knows that KFC’s logo is a replica of the colonel’s famous bucket. Yeah, nah, it’s not exactly rocket-science, we know. It has, after all been a pretty heavy part of their marketing e...

‘The Mountain’ Hafthor Bjornsson reveals crazy body transformation

11.68K Views0 Comments

When you think about the bloody Mountain from Game of Thrones (or the bloke who played him, Hafthor Bjornsson) you probably picture the physique the bloke’s known for. Obviously, there’s a reason for that. As a man kn...

Kim Kardashian roasted by her kid for ‘faking’ in her videos

215 Views0 Comments

Look, we talk a lot about ‘influencers’ on this website, and we guess we’re not alone there. Yeah, nah, the simple reality is that whether you like it or not, a proper popular social media personality represents a via...

Video showing difference between younger and older generations at restaurant sparks debate

9.55K Views0 Comments

Yeah, look, we know that sometimes you see these ‘divided the internet’ posts and roll your eyes, but we only like to include ‘em when we reckon they’re legit worth talking about. Don’t get us wrong, we’re not saying ...