OzzyMan Videos

Marvel Actors And Fans Pouring Tributes To Comic Book Legend Stan Lee

8.56K Views0 Comments

This morning, the face and co-creator of Marvel Comics, Stan Lee, passed at the age of 95. As you can imagine, tributes are pouring in, and there’s a bloody good reason for that. He just might have been the most loved...

The Internet is raining Trump memes after he cancelled a visit to a WWI cemetery

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Poor old President Donald Trump just can’t seem to catch a break can he? If he’s not being called a racist because of his history of saying racist things, being called a liar because of his history of lying, or being ...

Eric Chien’s champion magic trick is f*cken outrageously good

11.73K Views0 Comments

F**k me, holy f**ken sh*tballs and f**ken hell, get a load of this cheeky wizard c**t and his straight-up epic magic trick. Deadset, Eric Chien, the bloke behind this one is absolutely, positively, stupendously good a...

What happens if you put a werewolf on the moon?

3.15K Views0 Comments

The werewolf is undoubtedly the coolest of all the classic monsters. You get the tragic element of a bloke (or blokette) suffering with the strain of a monstrous curse, the irony of the werewolf’s human friends and fa...

Some of the best things people have seen at the supermarket…

24.09K Views0 Comments

Is there anything more mundane and domestic than a trip to the grocery store? Deadset, you step inside the sliding glass doors and you’re hit with that artificial light, you’re chaperoned through a cattle-run of produ...

These classical art Snapchats are f**ken grouse

27.24K Views0 Comments

G’day ya big bloody legends and welcome to art class. Whack a f**ken beret on your head, get your Bob Ross temperament on, sip on some wine, act like a pretentious f**kwit and call it your oeuvre. Today we’ll be delvi...

First ever undersea villa opens in luxury Maldives hotel

4.47K Views0 Comments

For a long time, most of us have always thought that the saying ‘he sleeps with the fishes’ meant that the mafia had put you in some concrete boots and made you walk the plank or that you were Troy McClure. Turns out,...

Dog who saved his owner from a rattlesnake named dog of the year

5.33K Views0 Comments

Dogs, as we’ve said here many times, are pretty f**ken rad. They sit, they stay, they fetch, they lay, and sometimes, when they know you’re really up sh*t creek in a barbed wire canoe, they f**ken lay it all on the li...

A Breaking Bad movie is in the works

4.97K Views0 Comments

In news that should well and truly make you say ‘F**K YES!’ rumours that there’s a Breaking Bad movie in the works are picking up the kinda steam that could power enough Victorian-era factories to mangle a whole gener...

Melbourne Cup attendees get sh*tfaced and head straight to Destination F#*ked

33.39K Views0 Comments

Ah, the Melbourne Cup, for many it’s just another day of brutality and animal cruelty on Australia’s horse-racing calendar, for others it’s a day to get completely f**ken shellacked while horses race while carrying ti...

The difference sobriety makes: ten pics of people post-alcoholism

41.14K Views0 Comments

As much as we love a beer here at Ozzy Man Reviews, it’d be remiss of us not to point out that we’re all too aware of the damage alcohol can cause when it’s not used in moderation. Deadset, if you are hitting the sauc...

Sheila says she’s engaged to a ghost, had sex with 20 others

5.70K Views0 Comments

Before you buckle yourself in for this one, get yourself a big f**ken pinch of salt and have it handy – you’re going to need it. We are once again entering the realm of the bizarre here in Ozzy Man Reviews, and we’re ...

10 terrible haircuts that were so f*cken bad they became ‘say no more’ memes

20.98K Views0 Comments

F**ken haircuts are an interesting concept aren’t they? Take that sh*t right back to the days of yore, and at some point, someone had to say, “You know what? I reckon if I get my hair cut differently to the rest of th...

Conor McGregor and Mike Tyson get blazed together and bury the hatchet

8.71K Views0 Comments

You know, you really don’t have to go far to find a stoner who’ll tell you that world conflict could easily be ended if every mother**ker just toked on a spliff and talked it out. Of course, the chances of that happen...

Justin Bieber’s car broke down “in the hood”, locals make him do pushups in the street

13.85K Views0 Comments

It doesn’t matter who you are, how much money you have or how many hit singles you’ve released, everyone’s occasionally got to do some time on the side of the road and pay their dues to the gods of the broken down car...

Drunk baggage handler passes out in cargo hold, wakes up in the middle of f*cken nowhere

9.73K Views0 Comments

Ah, the old workplace nap. It’s the kind of thing most of us can only dream of. It’s a classic staple of workplace f**kery that only the most daring and the most lazy could dare to attempt. Make no mistake, giving int...

New research reveals blokes spend seven hours a year hiding in the bathroom for ‘peace and quiet’

4.87K Views0 Comments

Rightio, ya big lovely bell-ends, raise your bloody hands if you – or your old man, hubby, son or other significant male figure in your life – disappears into the sh**ter for hours on end. Well, the science is in and ...

Pommy tourist takes to social media to complain about Vietnamese ‘showers’

15.16K Views0 Comments

Travelling the globe and seeing the world is easily one of the greatest joys in life. You get to see tonnes of cool places, learn about interesting cultural practices and expose yourself to the way folks from differen...

Group of bears f**ken destroy a wolf in Dutch zoo

36.54K Views0 Comments

In the world of majestic-as-f**k predatory animals that feature heavily on tie-dyed t-shirts and dream catchers, there can only be one true king of the jungle. And today’s video, if you’ve got the f**ken stomach for i...

Time traveler from 2030 meets himself 40 years in the future

17.31K Views0 Comments

Ah, bloody hell, you’ve gotta love the internet. Just when you think you’ve seen enough batsh*t craziness for one day, there’s always something else to come along and remind you there is quite literally no end to the ...