These classical art Snapchats are f**ken grouse
G’day ya big bloody legends and welcome to art class. Whack a f**ken beret on your head, get your Bob Ross temperament on, sip on some wine, act like a pretentious f**kwit and call it your oeuvre. Today we’ll be delving into some of the classics and looking at how they’re perceived and accepted in the modern world. We’ll be doing that through the hoity toity medium of Snapchat and placing these products of art and culture into a post-modern context. There ya go, ya c**ts; did that sound arty-farty enough for ya?

Credit: Bored Panda

Credit: chowzedong
Rightio, all jokes aside, art is pretty bloody rad. It really captures the essence of humanity and portrays it through the vehicle of colour and shading. Or, it’s full of pictures – some cool, some not so cool. Take ya f**ken pick.

Credit: museumsnaps

Credit: Bored Panda
Anyway, for those of us who either aren’t particularly inclined to ‘get’ art (even if we like it) or do happen to totally understand art but like to see it used for poking a bit of fun at sh*t, then this is the collection for you.

Credit: Bored Panda

Credit: Bored Panda
Yeah, this is classical art a la Snapchat. If you’ve ever been to an art museum, you’ve probably taken a few photos. The images you’re seeing here are from art museums too, it’s just that these ones have been shared around the internet with the added benefit of a smartass Snapchat comment.

Credit: Bored Panda

Credit: Art History Snap 3
F**ken check ‘em out and have a chuckle.

Credit: Art History Snap

Final thought: It’s actually really great to see how the various works of art pictured and recontextualised with a great caption still resonate in one context or another. Sometimes we’ll be looking at this sh*t in a totally different way to the one that was intended – but the joy of art is that in itself doesn’t make the experience any less valid. F**ken get amongst it.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Dance Floor Rituals
H/T: Bored Panda.