OzzyMan Videos

First-person footage of two paragliders crashing into each other will give ya breathing issues

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As a rule of thumb, mid-air collisions are never a good thing. Nah, yeah, they’re pretty much always a recipe for disaster and if you somehow manage to come away from one with everything intact, you’re doing all r...

Elon Musk’s firm Neuralink confirms real-life Jurassic Park possibility

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As you know, we tend to keep a bit of an eye on Elon Musk and all of his associated interests and eccentricities. And really, how could you blame us? As well as getting some pretty bloody rad tech out into the world, ...

Builders of $700k “half-house” explain WTF went wrong

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Home ownership is seriously one of the great dreams in this country. S**t, it’s one of the great dreams in any country. It’s not always easy, though. Yeah, nah, you need to lay off the avocadoes, pinch your pennies an...

Mark spotted on bride’s hand sparks major revelation moments before wedding

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If there’s one thing you don’t want to do, it’s chuck a Luke Skywalker (or a Princess Leia) and find out that the bloke or sheila you’ve been macking on with is actually your sibling. Yeah, nah, that s**t’s bound to g...

Taika Waititi and Ricky Gervais take part in creative short-film masterpiece against animal testing

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If we can be serious for a minute, we’ve gotta be honest and say that animal-testing is pretty s**t. Yeah, nah, we don’t even reckon that’s a controversial statement. Straight up, animal testing sucks – and that’s why...

This squirrel was photographed showing off his bloody big nuts

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If you’ve ever been presented with the word ‘squirrel’ in a word-association game, your response may well have been ‘nuts’. There’s a reason for that. The two go hand-in-hand, and there’s a long tradition of word-play...

These questions asked on Yahoo Answers are some of the bloody best ever

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It’s hard to imagine that when Yahoo Answers was first brainstormed back in the early 90s, it’s creators could have foreseen the path the well-known Q&A site would take. Yeah, nah, designed with good intentions, it so...

This old legend was filmed traveling over 80km/h on mobility scooter

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We don’t think we’re being particularly controversial when we suggest the existence of a certain perception when we talk about old folks driving. Yeah, nah, legit, we might even go so far as to say there’s a stigma, a...

Couple mistakenly vandalise $500,000 painting in art gallery

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You know, everyone makes mistakes. Deadset, some say that they are an essential part of life. We say, though, that while making your own is a worthwhile enterprise, it’s far better to learn from other people’s . With ...

People share some gold photos of their neighbours

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Unless you’re lucky enough to live on big acreage in the back of whoop-whoop, there’s a pretty good chance you’ve got neighbours living on your street. While we know good neighbours can make good friends, we’ve gotta ...

Some bloody ripper photos caught on Google Street

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Bloody Google truly is a ubiquitous beast. Deadset, not only is it one of the few companies that we all interact with on a daily basis, but it’s also one that pretty much captures every aspect of the human experience....

Welcome to the wonderful world of cigarette-smoking crabs

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Sometimes, we just don’t know what to tell you. Yeah, nah, usually we can come up with a ridgey-didge bit of blurb to get started on a little story, but today, we’re feeling the pinch and we’re not really sure what to...

Comedian Matt Berry reads a husband’s plea to his wife about their intimate relations to a live audience

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Polite society generally frowns on the airing of dirty laundry in public. Don’t get us wrong, we all secretly love it, but it’s also a bit taboo. Still, that doesn’t mean it’s not funny. So when comedian Matt Berry wa...

Bondi Vet has to remove three teeth from saltwater croc’s mouth

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Mate, if there’s one thing crocodiles are famous for, it’s their bloody teeth. Yeah, nah, the big buggers are well-known for their chompers. There’s a good reason for that. They’re kinda vital for helping ‘em catch th...

20-foot python attacking snake handler attempting to steal her eggs will give ya nightmares

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One of the biggest problems about keeping a massive f**ken python for a pet is the fact that it’s a massive f**ken python and it’s not always gonna be friendly. Nah, yeah, if you do something that gives it the s**ts, ...

Arrested Spring Breaker cheered on by beachgoers as he flees cops in handcuffs

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One of the greatest tropes in fiction is that of the great escape. Deadset, whether you’re running from the man, the popo, or the school principal, making a f**ken run for the sunset is a high-octane way to build the ...

Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey, just sold his first tweet for 2.9 Million US Dollarydoos

3.41K Views0 Comments

Look, there’s no doubt that the first letter ever posted would probably be worth a f**ken mint. Deadset, the first phone-call ever made would be worth a s**tload too if we could somehow capture it. We’re not too sure ...

Incredible drone footage captures close-up views of volcano erupting in Iceland

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Mate, we’ve said this before, but drones can be pretty f**ken rad when it comes to capturing awesome footage. Obviously, there’s loads of videos online that back that s**t up, but a recent video caught by Bjorn Steinb...

Why covering canals with solar panels is a F*@#en brilliant idea

18.88K Views0 Comments

Anyone who’s not living under a f**ken rock knows that humanity’s already reached a point where it needs to start asking some serious questions about where we’re sourcing our energy from and whether traditional models...

Pommy pub rebuilt ‘brick by brick’ after illegal demolition

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Mate, if there’s one thing we love about the poms, it’s that those f**kers love their beer as much as we do. Deadset, there’s a reason they’ve got pubs on every corner. Of course, their love of the buggers goes way be...