OzzyMan Videos

Two nuns steal $500,000 from Catholic school to go gambling in Vegas

6.82K Views0 Comments

If you ever needed a sound effect to describe the concept of irony, we now know it’s f**ken ka-ching! Fair dinkum, the idea of a couple of nuns – who are supposed to be these lovely old ladies who marry God and make h...

Sheila who was married to ghost of 300 year old pirate issues warning after divorce

14.71K Views0 Comments

Argh, me hearties, make no mistake, the world be an interesting place in this day and age, and whether you’re scouring the seven seas for your soul mate and that one piece of booty you know you want to spend the rest ...

Roger the Kangaroo dies aged 12

17.10K Views0 Comments

It’s a bloody sad day here in Ozzyland. One of our most beloved roos, Roger the Hench Kangaroo, who was known to love crushing metal buckets, has finally kicked one. Yep, the buff red kangaroo who took the world by st...

Poor bloke on blood thinners had a heart attack and “coughed up a lung”

16.84K Views0 Comments

You’ve probably heard the saying ‘coughing up a lung’. It’s a pretty common turn of phrase that’s used all around the world. It is, of course, a figurative phrase because you can’t literally cough one up. Yeah, nah, t...

Check out these sh*t-hot parenting hacks!

18.96K Views0 Comments

Depending on who you ask, bloody parenting can be hard yakka. There’s no doubt that it’s a task full of spewing kids, sh*tty nappies, angry tanties, and lots of tears. Still, despite all that, some parents just make t...

Disabling one gene will let you eat as much as you want without becoming fat

15.68K Views0 Comments

With the Christmas season coming up, you might be thinking about all the top-notch food you’re gonna f**ken smash while trying to ignore the reality that if you’re not smart about it, you’re probably gonna whack on a ...

Australia has cut its plastic bag use by 80% in just three f*cken months

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Snakes, spiders, crocodiles and serial killers might all still be on the loose here in Ozzy Land, but you’d better believe we’ve done our bit in making sure the biggest killer of them all – the dastardly plastic bag –...

HBO drop the first Game Of Thrones trailer for season 8

18.80K Views0 Comments

G’day, ya big bloody dickheads, we hope you’re feeling pumped, because we sure as hell are. That’s because it gives us great pleasure to ask you one simple question: have ya seen the teaser trailer for the new season ...

Some of the best life hacks that’ll change ya f*cken mind

27.11K Views0 Comments

Life-hacks aren’t exactly a rarity on the internet, and we’re not adverse to sharing ‘em whenever we get a chance. After all, life here in Ozzyland is all about being a laid-back c**t, and we love to make stuff easy f...

Doctors warn of severe health dangers in new ‘peegasm’ trend

40.41K Views0 Comments

G’day cobbers, how the f**k are ya today? Before we begin, do any of you pricks need to use the bathroom? Hang on, who are we kidding – most of you are probably reading this on the sh**ter right now aren’t you? Anyway...

American couple narrowly escapes machete-wielding bandits in Kenya

27.63K Views0 Comments

Life. It’s an interesting beast isn’t it? One minute you can be joyfully living your life in the US and the next you can be opening up a gym in Nairobi and getting to know the locals. Sweeping changes like this often ...

Bloke responds to his own Police wanted post on Facebook and it’s f*cken gold

68.77K Views0 Comments

I’m pretty sure you know that scene in any crime movie where a wanted criminal sees their mugshot on television and fears the people around them will recognise them and out them to the authorities. Well, that’s not al...

New Indian superhero movie “2.0” is as crazy as it f*cken looks

33.93K Views0 Comments

Thanks to the likes of the irrepressible Stan Lee – and may he rest in peace – we’re pretty used to Superhero movies these days. There always seems to be a new one at the cinema, and so long as they’re not made by DC,...

Drunk bloke lets “ninja” slice sausage in his mouth with sword, backfires terribly

27.98K Views0 Comments

Whether they’re big into medieval history, total Game of Thrones-loving nerds, or just flat out bogans with a collection of samurai swords hanging on their bedroom walls, people everywhere seem to love swords. There’s...

Beijing is trying to rid city of Chinglish before 2022 Winter Olympics

33.13K Views0 Comments

One of the greatest things about the language gap between China and the English-speaking world is the comedy generated by mistranslation. We’re all – as denizens of the internet – familiar with the old cliché of the t...

US bloke erects middle finger statue and points it directly at the local Council

15.46K Views0 Comments

There’s really not too many bits of simple sign language as iconic and universal as the old middle-finger salute. Deadset, even the bloody Romans loved to flip the Digitus Impudicus at anyone deserving of it. It’s a b...

Flat Earther promises to pay $100,000 to anyone who proves Earth is round, instantly regrets it

46.19K Views0 Comments

Here at Ozzy Man Reviews, we  f**ken love flat-earthers. Before you go thinking we agree with the crazy b*stards though, let us explain, because, er, yeah, f**en nah, we think they’re full of sh*t too. It’s just that ...

Wide Neck guy meets Long Neck guy

33.24K Views0 Comments

These days, the very nature of the internet means that it’s perhaps easier than ever for people to get their fifteen minutes of fame. However, the payoff there is that the very thing people get famous for might not be...

Netflix leak reveals release date for Black Mirror season 5

13.99K Views0 Comments

When it comes to modern science-fiction anthologies, not many do it better than Black Mirror. The show’s become one of Netflix’s best genre-offerings, and it appeals to people from all walks of life. Blending the soci...

The moment people realised that they were dating a genuine psycho

16.62K Views0 Comments

It’s an unfortunate fact of life that some people are just f**ken psychos. You probably know people like this. You may work with them, they may be an acquaintance, or they may even be a relative. Whatever the scenario...