OzzyMan Videos
Brass Against apologise after vocalist pees on fan’s face during live set
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If you know your rock and roll history, you’ll know that it’s not exactly free of unsavoury incidents. That, of course, is an understatement, but we can take it further. It’s not even free from incidents involving on-...
Ryan Reynolds and Will Ferrell turn into each other on TV
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When you’re interviewing Will Ferrell or Ryan Reynolds, you’ve gotta be prepared for the unexpected. Yeah, nah, by this stage, we all know that Reynolds loves to f**k with people, and Ferrell just loves to weird peopl...
Woman leaves bloody gold Amazon review of leggings after “falling down a mountain”
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Love it or hate it, you have to admit that Amazon has changed the way we shop. Deadset, the online marketplace is bloody synonymous with bargains. Of course, one reason it gets a lot of love outside of its actual prod...
Speed camera captures car travelling at 120kms/hr with bloke on the bonnet
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By this stage, we reckon the phrase ‘play stupid games win stupid prizes’ is known everywhere. Yeah, nah, deadset, it is. Still, that doesn’t mean everyone takes it to heart. Take young blokes hanging out with their m...
Date set for Iranian Hulk & World’s Scariest Man boxing match
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If you’re anything like most of the blokes and sheilas we know, you’re probably pretty f**ken happy that celebrities all over the shop are queuing up to fight each other. Yeah, nah, deadset, it’s bloody grouse to watc...
Clean-up of The Great Pacific Garbage Patch has started!
5.76K Views0 Comments
We’re gonna hazard a guess here and assume that most of you blokes and sheilas know exactly what the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is. Still, we’re not precious, and if you don’t, we can help. It’s basically the spot wh...
Car club members saw a video of a bullied kid, here’s how they responded:
35.75K Views0 Comments
As you probably know, we bloody love some good wholesome content here at Ozzy Man Reviews, and that’s exactly why this video made us so happy. Right after they saw a kid getting bullied online, the National Auto Sport...
US sheila billed $700 after waiting 7 hours in ER before leaving without treatment
12.50K Views0 Comments
A lot of our fans in the US might not know this, but here in Australia, we look at some of the expenses we see coming out of your health system and we find ourselves wondering just how the f**k they can be so ridiculo...
Chris Barnett lands “physically impossible” KO for a heavyweight
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Whether or not it’s just stereotypical bulls**t, one thing we often don’t think about when we think about heavyweight MMA contests is a bit of finesse. Yeah, nah, it’s the sort of place where we often fall back on cli...
Meet Coconut the smiling alligator who loves a good f**ken scrub!
4.39K Views0 Comments
It’s probably not a long shot to suggest that we don’t usually think of alligators as fun-loving relaxation fiends. Yeah, nah, there’s no shame in that. They’re predators. They’re cold-blooded. They’re the stars of mo...
Old footage of Linkin Park ensuring their moshpit is safe goes viral
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Right now, we’re not gonna go on too much about the AstroWorld incident. Obviously, there’s tonnes of conjecture and speculation around, and plenty of it’s being whipped up by the media, but what we know for a fact is...
Let’s talk Pitiquette – in defence of Mosh Pits!
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Yeah, look, let’s fair dinkum front up and catch this fair in the nuts as it’s becoming a huge deal. In the coming days and weeks, you’re probably gonna hear a great deal about what exactly goes on in a moshpit, why t...
US bloke reckons he can cook a perfect steak in… the dishwasher
11.48K Views0 Comments
When it comes to steak, there are a few schools of thought on the best way to cook the bugger. Some reckon a barbecue is the dog’s bollocks. Others say you should chuck that s**t in the oven, and even more reckon that...
Bloke on subway reacts to sheila who told him to “chill”
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We don’t know about you lot, but when we were growing up, we were taught that you shouldn’t be hitting sheilas. Yeah, nah, deadset, there’s not much more that needs saying except to point out that what we learned went...
The Aussie bloke who found an ATM glitch and became a millionaire
13.98K Views0 Comments
F**k, we don’t know about you, but every day at work we have chats with other colleagues about how good it’d be to win the lotto or stumble onto a million-dollar idea. We also know that s**t’s not uncommon. It’s a thr...
Hero sacrifices himself to save woman in horrifying zipline accident
320 Views0 Comments
Seriously, some people really are too f**ken good for this world. Fair dinkum, there are some people out there who are such amazing people that we don’t deserve them. These selfless folks are, quite obviously, heroes,...
The effects of smoking weed before the gym
284 Views0 Comments
It’s no secret that attitudes towards toking up, sparking a fat blunt, and passing the dutchie are changing. Deadset, a few years back, that s**t was considered a hard drug by some people. Now, though, the common cons...
US bloke drops nearly $60,000 of COVID relief money on a single Pokemon card
978 Views0 Comments
If you know any other human being – or you have the internet – you’re no doubt aware that COVID has brought the best and the worst out of people. Yeah, nah, some people have shown themselves to be caring, compassionat...
Science confirms: What is more painful – a kick in the nuts or childbirth?
10.64K Views0 Comments
Throughout history, man – and woman – kind have always been plagued by one question: is it more painful to be kicked in the balls or is it more painful to give birth. Obviously, this is also part of another age-old de...
Apparently needing to poo when you’re in a bookstore is a thing, and here’s why
852 Views0 Comments
As you probably know, the world’s f**ken chockers with weird conditions, diseases and ailments. Yeah, nah, apparently, if you can think of a weird illness, you might just find it exists. Take the Mariko Aoki phenomeno...