All Top Sheila Awards

Sheila gets sent to Destination F**ked by cranky koala

17.76K Views0 Comments

It’s no secret that koalas are known the world over for being cute and cuddly. Yeah, nah, they’re often seen as big fluffy teddy bears, we all know that. But, at the end of the day, they’re wild animals. And they’re w...

Tough as nails toddler bites snake back in act of revenge!

7.60K Views0 Comments

We don’t know about you lot, but when we were young whippersnappers, only two-tenths of a bee’s d-ck tall, our oldies used to tell us that when it came to self-defence, life was simple. Yeah, nah, they said that if so...

Topless breastfeeding mum saves pet goose from eagle – while feeding bub!

554 Views0 Comments

They say that not all heroes wear capes. If this story’s anything to go by, that statement is true as f**k. Yeah, nah, in this case, our hero wears bugger all except a pair of boxer shorts. She’s also breastfeeding a ...

Sheila puts condom on her leg to call out men who say they’re “too big”

76.60K Views0 Comments

All right, if we’re gonna be completely honest, we’re gonna have to say that condoms have got their detractors. Yeah, nah, fair’s fair, they can inhibit some of the finer things in a sexual relationship. Despite that,...

Sheila gets stuck behind sofa after boozy brunch

1.68K Views0 Comments

We’ve all got that one mate who just can’t help but make a tit of themselves when they’ve had a few. And, no, we don’t mean that in a derogatory way. We literally mean that we’ve all got a mate who’s a bit of a clutz,...

Skydiver survives 13,500ft fall to destination f@#*ked

77.95K Views0 Comments

F**ken humans are amazing. Deadset, if there’s one thing we can take away from all out time putting together content for you legends, it’s that for every story about dodgy b**tards, there are ten more about absolute l...

Little Ukrainian lass leaves bomb shelter occupants in tears with rendition of “Let It Go”

3.75K Views0 Comments

For all the talk of tanks and bombs and guns and refugees, it’s really easy to overlook the kids who’ve been caught up in the war in Ukraine. Don’t get us wrong, we know that’s a s**t sentiment, but perhaps the footag...

Sheila sends hubby to skin-clinic with moles she wants checked circled

50.12K Views0 Comments

There’s a lot to be said for a loving spouse. Yeah, nah, without them, most people would be lost. And, at the risk of stereotyping, the blokes in particular would be up s**t creek without a paddle if their wives didn’...

Aussie legend Sam Kerr flattens pitch invader with shoulder charge

37.68K Views0 Comments

Pitch invaders have always occupied this kinda weird space between being sort of amusing and being total f**kwits. Yeah, nah, don’t get us wrong, we’d be lying if we said we’d never laughed at one, but we’d also be te...

Boss rapidly backtracks after chewing out best worker and causing them to quit

49.22K Views0 Comments

Perhaps one of the greatest developments we’ve seen in recent years is the way that employees are more and more willing to tell unfair bosses to shove it and to quit over dodgy workplace treatment. Don’t get us wrong,...

Scammer gets trolled so badly, they beg the person to stop responding

50.48K Views0 Comments

Yeah, look, we’ve got a bloody viral text exchange for you lot here again today, and as always, we’re just gonna roll with it. We all know that the truth behind them can be a little fluid, but at the end of the day, t...

Sheila becomes the true hero of the US Open when she chugs two beers and goes viral!

654 Views0 Comments

Let’s be honest, if there’s one thing we’ve learned from sports in the era of Covid, it’s that it really is all about the fans. Don’t get us wrong; we’ve still seen some big events play out, but without the atmosphere...

Bloody awkward exchange between teen sheila and older salty bloke hitting on her

1.75K Views0 Comments

You know, there’s a lot to be said for body language. Deadset, it’s almost as if we have this evolutionary ability to communicate information to people without saying anything. S**t, turning it around, it’s almost lik...

Massive bloody python says hello in Sydney supermarket

2.25K Views0 Comments

When you talk about stereotypical Australia, you might assume that there are bloody snakes everywhere. Fortunately, most Aussies are sensible blokes and level-headed sheilas, and they’ll point you in the right directi...

Sheila competes at Olympic trials while 18 weeks pregnant

447 Views0 Comments

As blokes, we’re pretty much wildly unqualified to talk about pregnant sheilas. Also as blokes, we’re gonna risk mansplaining and do it anyway. Don’t worry, though, we’re cool with the risk. So, here goes. There are t...

Ozzy sheila goes viral for bloody gold tips on how to become an “art expert”

10.48K Views0 Comments

If you’re anything like us, you might be able to like and appreciate art, but you might also know f**k-all about it. Yeah, nah, don’t get us wrong, we bloody love looking at paintings put on canvas by the ninja turtle...

76-year-old Cantonese woman destroys thug who assaulted her on the street

644 Views0 Comments

Yeah, let’s start this one by saying that language matters. Considering the furore over the recent acts perpetuated by the total scumbag who ended the lives of six Asian women in the US, we’re gonna say the obvious: t...

Awkward moment after first Aussie vaccination caught on film

4.92K Views0 Comments

As you’re probably aware, the first COVID vaccine jabs have been administered here in Ozzyland, and as is always the way here in Australia – particularly when our nation’s bumbling Prime Minister is on the case – it q...

An English Council Zoom meeting descends into bloody chaos after argument

20.87K Views0 Comments

If there’s one real joy in life, it’s certainly not meetings. Yeah, nah, whether it’s work, an organisation you’re involved in, or some other ‘official’ business, there’s nothing as soul-draining as a meeting. If that...

Sheila paddleboards bloke around while he snorkels

17.45K Views0 Comments

Mate, if you know anything about sacrifice, you’ll know it’s giving up the good stuff to make sure someone else can reap the benefits. With that in mind, we’ve gotta say the sheila in this video is a proper legend. No...