Boss rapidly backtracks after chewing out best worker and causing them to quit

Credit: hestolemysmile

Boss rapidly backtracks after chewing out best worker and causing them to quit

Perhaps one of the greatest developments we’ve seen in recent years is the way that employees are more and more willing to tell unfair bosses to shove it and to quit over dodgy workplace treatment. Don’t get us wrong, we reckon some of the stuff people whinge about is a bit soft and goes both ways, but if you’ve ever had a toxic boss, you’ll know there’s nothing worse or more stressful. That’s why we loved this story…

Yeah, nah, this is exactly the kind of story that gives you faith in humanity. No matter what industry you’re in, there are always bosses who shouldn’t be there, who don’t have the skills to manage people, and who really ought to think before they act on their power trips.

Credit: hestolemysmile

This story is about one of those bosses. It was shared on Reddit by a user going by the handle of hestolemysmile, and as mentioned above, it’s one we loved. The poster shared that they quit their job yesterday and were enjoying being at home with the kids before finding another job somewhere else.

Credit: hestolemysmile

As you can see from their text messages, their boss had been reviewing footage of staff on shift and noticed that they were sitting down on the job. As a result, they texted hestolemysmile to tell them they needed to have a meeting about this.

Credit: hestolemysmile

As a result, hestolemysmile, who had cleared the sitting with a supervisor due to their broken foot, basically told the bass to jam the job – and the toxic workplace right up their cloaca. They then pointed out that their performance as the best worker on the shift was not affected by the stool, but that they were gonna quit.

Credit: hestolemysmile

The boss rapidly tried to backtrack, but it was to be to no avail. Due to their power trip, they lost their best worker, and now need to replace them.

Credit: hestolemysmile

Final thought: We like to think the boss might learn a lesson, even if we doubt it. Still, what we really like about this is that the employee knew some bulls**t when they smelled it and refused to stand for it. So, with that said, let us know when you’ve done similar. See you in the comments section!

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Hungry Penguins