OzzyMan Videos

The Best of Ozzy Man Reviews 2016

15.59K Views0 Comments

Okey dokey pig in a pokey. 2016 is coming to a close at lightning speed. Each day whizzes by and I remember by 5pm I haven't even started the bloody Xmas shopping yet. Yeah nah nah nah nah nah yeah I'll get to it, I'l...

Ozzy Man Reviews: WTF Happened in November

10.57K Views0 Comments

Another month bites the dust! In November we saw many WTF moments come and go. I personally am quite proud of the Aussies this month, who managed to do some spectacular mannequin challenges and stick up for their l...

Ozzy Man Reviews: WTF Happened in August

8.19K Views0 Comments

Where is this bloody year going!? I know that's a cliche thing to say, but oi nah you know it's true ey. August is done and we are into September 2016. How terrifying. Meh, I can always choose not to live by time and...

Mozza Reviews: The Ghostbusters vs. Ghostbusters Shitfight

2.56K Views0 Comments

Enough of this bloody Ghostbusters carry on. This is a long read, but world peace is a big fuckin' job. SPOILERS and man-opinions and a drive by of memory lane follow. Strap in. I was ten years old when the ’84 Ghost...

Ozzy Man Reviews: WTF Happened in June

5.25K Views0 Comments

The month of June was an absolutely massive month. I didn't realise how freakin' hectic it was until I started putting this cheeky video together the other day. There was a lot of intense news (politics, violence et...

Ozzy Man Reviews: Game of Thrones – Season 6 Episode 10

11.85K Views0 Comments

Done! Longest review I've made coming in at over 10 minutes there. Thanks for your patience ladies and gents. WOW! Just. Fucken. Wow. I'm sure many of us have been walking around saying: "no way battle of the basta...

Ozzy Man Reviews: Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 9

5.37K Views0 Comments

YES! Just YES! I'm running out of energy today to write anything too long-winded in the lead up to showing you my review, but... YES! What a fucken sensational home run the show hit this week. It brought it A-game ...

Ozzy Man Reviews: Game of Thrones – Season 6 Episode 8

4.45K Views0 Comments

Oooooooooooh I thought this episode was a little shakier than previous ones. This show is supremely good at hiding its problems, but a few little cracks in character and plot became visible. There's not going to be m...

Ozzy Man Reviews: Game of Thrones – Season 6 Episode 7

7.66K Views0 Comments

Blackfish! You guys! You guys! Blackfish! I bloody love Blackfish and have been wondering if we'd ever see him again after he left for a life saving piss at the red wedding back in 2013. Oh, plus The Hound! You guys!...

Ozzy Man Reviews: Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 6

3.69K Views0 Comments

We're over the adrenaline fuelled mid-point of Season 6 and taking a breath this week. The pacing was very chill, but I think the episode sits well with me overall. Characters seemed a little wishy washy (Cersei and...

Ozzy Man Reviews: Game of Thrones Season 6 Ep 5

4.29K Views0 Comments

Game of Thrones Episode 5 of Season 6 is done and dusted and I remain a very satisfied, invested, engaged viewer. This season is motoring along beautifully I reckon. As we learn more and more about characters and pl...

Confronting Book Covers On A Train ROUND TWO

3.50K Views0 Comments

You may recall a post I did last month about reading fake book covers on a train. Well, ladies and gents, comedian Scott Rogowsky has returned with a brand new set of ridiculous books. His latest video has been post...

How To Not Get Screwed Buying A Used Car

2.84K Views0 Comments

This video is close to my little heart. I have never bought a car brand new. Every time I update me car it's a hunt for the "perfect" second hand vehicle. For those who have been through it you know how hit and miss...

Ozzy Man Reviews: Game of Thrones S6 Ep 3

2.86K Views0 Comments

Another episode down and I'm feeling a lot better about things than I did this time last year. I believe this is roughly the time last year we lost Ser Bazza Selmy (RIP big fella). Overall, I thought the episode was...

Battlefield 1 Official Trailer Is Sh*t Hot Stuff

1.95K Views0 Comments

I talk about getting back into gaming on an almost weekly basis now. I'll get there. Oi yeah nah I'll get there. I've always been a console guy so the big question is will I go Xbox One or PS4 when the time comes. A...

Pervert Legs It After Sheila Starts Filming Him

2.13K Views0 Comments

I do enjoy a story where the tables are turned and someone gets a taste of their own medicine. When the watcher becomes the watched, the hunter the hunted, or yeah nah yeah when someone gets caught for being dodgy in...

Ozzy Man Reviews: Game of Thrones S6 Episode 2

2.69K Views0 Comments

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yesssssssssss! What a pearler of an episode that was! Jam packed with goodness left, right and centre I reckon. Of course, the main event was the Red Woman finally having a proper look at Jonno. G...

50 Cent Makes Fun Of A Bloke Working A Job

2.57K Views0 Comments

You really know how to be a cunt to the little people ey 50 Cent? It looks like Mr Half Dollar has deleted this video from his Instagram, but it's being uploaded to YouTube. We'll now wait and see how the wanker mana...

Kylo Ren Outtakes Remix Is Bloody Hilarious

1.87K Views0 Comments

I'm lovin' the work that gets done over on the auralnauts YouTube channel. In their latest remix/mashup they've sensationally fucked with Kylo Ren's dialogue. They're fair dinkum poets I tell ya. Instead of Kylo ba...

Drummer Gives Prince A Mint Tribute From His Truck

2.06K Views0 Comments

We've seen various Prince tributes over the days, but it's the simple cool stuff I like the most. The fella in this video decides to play his drums at the petrol station in the back of his pickup truck. He plays alo...