Racist woman gets lesson of a lifetime after blocking black man from his own apartment
Unfortunately, as much as we like to think that racism is the kind of thing that ‘used to happen’, we need to come to terms with the fact that it’s alive and kicking. We’re not going to preach to you about it here, because it’s pretty obvious that’s sh*t.
With that in mind, meet D’Arreion Toles, he’s just a black dude who wants to go home to his apartment. Unfortunately, there’s a white sheila blocking his entrance to the complex because he’s making her uncomfortable.
And look, we always try to give the benefit of the doubt, but this is one of those occasions where the behaviour’s pretty bloody reprehensible. Even if it comes from an honest place of naivety, the inherent racism behind it is pretty bloody worrying.
Having said that, old mate D’Arreion took it fairly well, and dare we say it, he even took it astutely. He was firm but fair and he filmed everything to save himself being unnecessarily accused of anything untoward later.
Still though, watch this video and tell me it’s not awkward as f**k. This right here is the kind of racism we need to eradicate. There’s just no place for it in society anymore.
As a result of this, the internet mafia tracked down the sheila’s identity and had her fired from her job, which is a pretty solid punishment for behaving like this.
Final thought: Despite the whole shemozzle, D’Arreion has come out of this looking as cool as a f**ken cucumber. His final thoughts are pretty bloody classy. Good shit, mate. F**ken good sh*t.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Queen’s Guard
H/T: Bored Panda.