Credit: Morgan Cooper
This trailer for a reimagined Fresh Prince of Bel Air looks f***en awesome
It’s been said a metric s**tload of times, but mainstream Hollywood seems almost devoid ideas with the way it’s remaking, rebooting and reimagining classics and capitalising on our nostalgic love for the old s**t. What’s probably said a little less is that some of these reboots are f**ken gold. And, to be completely fair, even if they’re not your exact cuppa, there’s a lot to be said for introducing new fans to some of that s**t. And if they can put a new twist on things, that’s all good, right? With that in mind, check out this awesome trailer…

Credit: Morgan Cooper
Yeah, f**ken oath it’s a remake of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. And why not? If they can take s**t like Archie and Jughead and turn it into a kickass new experience for the youth of today, then imagine how good they can make this. Playing the devil’s advocate for a second, old Archie sucked balls. Fresh Prince most certainly did not. Taking some quality and reimagining it has to be a win-win!
Anyway, first thing that comes to mind watching this is that it’s a f**ken quality video. They’re paying homage to the original in a totally bloody bonza way, and they’re making it appeal to the new generation. Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but it even seems a bit edgy from the opening cut.

Credit: Morgan Cooper
Moving on, you’ve got some external conflict between Carlton and the Fresh Prince. That’s got to lead to some great viewing. And you know it’s only a matter of time before Carlton cuts up a rug. From there, you’ve got what looks like some awesome basketball scenes, some romance, some great shots.

Credit: Twitter
There’s no way this wouldn’t be huge. It’s no wonder people on the internet are already demanding it be made into a real movie.

Credit: Morgan Cooper
Final thought: In all honesty, remaking the good stuff can result in a mixed bag. Done for purely cynical reasons it can turn out a bit soulless. Done for the right reasons and made with a careful touch, it’s hard to go wrong. What do you blokes and blokettes reckon? Let us know in the comments.
BEL-AIR from Morgan Cooper on Vimeo.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Eggboi Vs Politician
Video Link: Morgan Cooper