Mum, this is really a-dick-tive! Credit: Rebecca Bratt/Facebook
Horrified Mum accidentally feeds her two children a bowl of “d*cks”
Hands up if you can remember your oldies making you eat something a little unconventional from time to time. No matter what it was, it’s probably gonna have a hard time outdoing the meal Rebecca Brett from the UK served her kids: penis pasta.

“Mum, this is really a-dick-tive!” Credit: Rebecca Bratt/Facebook
Rebecca, from the town of Dunstable, says she couldn’t believe it when she realised.
“I wandered into the market and Ava begged me for some ‘smiley face’ pasta,” she says. “I cooked it for the girls’ lunch…I thought it looked a bit odd. (When I) relooked at the bag, I noticed it was only bloody penis pasta.”
You know, it’s not all bad though. At least the kids ate their lunch – and dick and balls pasta still ain’t as bad as bloody Brussels sprouts.
Penis pasta is usually reserved for hen’s parties where the bride to be chows down on a big bowl of dicks before the big day – and the big night – where she…chows down on some more dick if everything goes to plan…

Nah-yeah, that’s pretty ambiguous. Credit: The house of Bachelorette
Noticing her cock-up, Rebecca didn’t panic. She did what any 21st century mum worth her salt would do. She snapped some photos of the phallic failure and whacked them on Facebook. Nah-yeah, she was so embarrassed at what she’d done she posted it on social media where it was quickly shared 176,000 times.

Credit: Rebecca Bratt/Facebook
In fairness to Rebecca, she seems to have a sense of humour about it all. “When I saw the tiny penis in her hand, my heart sank, but I quickly burst into hysterical laughter at my blunder!”
Put yourself in Rebecca’s shoes for a moment. You’ve ballsed up and you realise too late. You can take the food off the kids – who still think the pasta is supposed to look like an oddly shaped face – or you can just move on and let them eat it.

Maybe it’s an alien face? Credit: LadBible
It’s not like you have to tell them – at least not until they’re old enough to have the photos shared at their 21st birthday party!
Final thought: Long story schlort, when lunch finally came, it didn’t matter whether it was penis pasta or not. Rebecca had to serve it up. Not providing lunch would have been a horrible way to shaft the kids!
H/T: LadBible.