Credit: Transport for London
Two Seagulls continue to land in front of a London traffic camera and have become stars
We all know that morning traffic reports have become somewhat redundant since the advent of Google maps and GPS, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to go away anytime soon. Yeah, nah, even when you’re driving with the map or the GPS on, you can’t deny there’s a fascination with an ‘up-to-date’ traffic report. If only there was something that could add a little entertainment value to the bloody things, though. You know, like a couple of seagulls who’ve decided they really like hanging out in front of traffic cameras in a busy-as-f**k city…

Credit: Transport for London
If you’ve ever thought that something like that would improve your daily traffic reports, Transport for London (TfL) have got some news that’ll give you a massive stiffy. Two seagulls – affectionately dubbed Steve and Graeme – have made themselves the stars of the Brunswick Road traffic reports.
As a bunch of Ozzy buggers, we’re really not sure how important a road Brunswick is, and to be fair, we don’t really give a monkey’s, but we do know that we love the way these critters have decided they really f**ken dig the spot right in front of the lens.

Credit: Transport for London
Naturally, they’ve become a big hit. While most traffic reports are pushing s**t uphill if they’re expecting to get likes or retweets, any post or video from TfL that features the pair of rascals is going gangbusters online.
One tweet, featuring a video of the cheeky f**kers, was captioned with the phrase, “Due to popular demand, a quick update from our popular reporter just north of the Blackwall Tunnel.” It was liked 18,000 times and watched more than half a million times.
While that’s not exactly huge in internet terms, it’s pretty f**ken impressive for candid shots of seagulls.

Credit: Transport for London/Twitter
Final thought: For all the exotic wildlife we love to talk about here at Ozzy Man Reviews, it’s easy to overlook some of the common everyday classics. Seagulls are one of those. Usually they’re scavenging chips from beachgoers, sh**ting on cars, or making a f**ken racket. To see a couple of them get so much love is bloody grouse!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: The Devil’s Wheel
Video Link: USA Today