Credit: Lego
Lifesize drivable Bugatti built with over a million Lego pieces
How good is bloody Lego? When you need a birthday present, Lego. When you need a chrissy present, Lego. When you need to set a trap for home invaders to destroy their feet on, also Lego. But all that aside, Lego is not just for kids and criminals. Yeah, nah, in recent years with all the advances in Lego technology, it’s become a pretty bloody handy building material that a handy designer or engineer can use to awesome effect. With that in mind, check out this Lego Bugatti.

Credit: Lego
Right, so first things first, Technic is like Lego for the bigger kids. It’s not necessarily about blocks and bricks in the way standard Lego is. Nah, it’s got gears and motors and circuits and shit, which lets you use it to make machinery.

Credit: Lego

Credit: Lego
And f**k me dead, that’s exactly what Lego’s creative team, in partnership with the Italian Grand Prix, have done. Yeah, they’ve gone and built a sh*t-hot Bugatti. They used over a million pieces of Technic – and it f**ken works!

Credit: Lego
The clever b*stards used a steel frame, some batteries, some 3D printed gears and a few other bits they can’t really replicate with Lego, You know, like real Bugatti wheels. The end result is a vehicle that can actually travel at nearly 20 miles per hour. For anyone who sensibly uses kilometres per hour, that’s just over 30 clicks. Not too shabby for a toy car!

Credit: Lego
Putting this thing together isn’t something to take lightly if you’re considering having a crack at it. It uses about 70 grands worth of Technic and took the design team about 13,500 hours. That’s almost as long as the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy. You’d have to be keen wouldn’t ya!

Credit: Lego
Final thought: Bloody Lego, Technic, whatever you wanna call it, is awesome sh*t. And I tell you what; this certainly puts the big Lego animals and models you sometimes see at the shops to shame! Good on ya, guys. This is bloody mint!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Theresa May Dancing
H/T: Tech Crunch.