Cops respond to noise complaint, end up playing Super Smash Bros Ultimate with offenders
There’s a reason Nintendo holds a special place in the hearts of many. They’re really, really f**ken good at what they do. Fair dinkum, when it comes to incredible fun, games you can play over and over again, and fantastic head-to-head multiplayer, they’ve got decades upon decades of games to cite as evidence. Of course, the latest in their long line of addictive-as-f**k multiplayer games is Super Smash Bros Ultimate. If you’re curious about just how much fun this game is, check this sh*t out…
First of all, anyone who’s played multiplayer on the same screen and in the same room as his or her opponents knows that sh*t’s really where it’s at. Obviously, there’s a place for online multiplayer, but letting the boys know you’re the king and they’re all your bitches is always better in person. Holding down a spot as reigning champ of the console is quite easily one of the better ways to demonstrate your authority.

Credit: JoviJenovi/Twitter
Naturally, this kind of chest-beating can result in some incredible volume. And that’s exactly what got two cops in Saint Paul, Minnesota, called out to a noise complaint. The gathering in question had been called to celebrate the release of the new Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

Credit: Nintendo
The cops made their way to the scene. On arrival, they were met in the front yard by Jovante M Williams, who revealed that the fellas usually play games without the sound just to keep the volume down for the neighbours. When the police got cluey that this was really quite an innocent situation, they responded to Williams’ invitation to play with a “f**k-yeah, bro.”
Williams said, “I’m like, ‘Y’all wanna play Smash?!’ And two of them literally raised their hand and walked up. They’re like, ‘How do you jump?’ They were acting; one of them was playing Pikachu!”
One of the cops involved confirmed no charges were laid.

Credit: Nintendo
Final thought: This is bloody rad. The cops catch a fair bit of sh*t (some of it deserved) and are often seen as a negative force in society. Actions like this show that police are people too – and most of ‘em probably join up because they actually want to do good in society! F**ken good shit, fellas. Let’s have more of this and less of the other. If ya know what we mean…
@SmashBrosUS #allhandsmatter pic.twitter.com/DIaEnOy3PV— YOU JUST LOST 1 (@JoviJenovi) December 9, 2018
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: WTF Happened in 2018