Watch this bloke demonstrate the use of sound to create order out of chaos

Credit: Twitter/Kenichi Kanazawa

Watch this bloke demonstrate the use of sound to create order out of chaos

If there’s one saying we bloody love it’s this classic: ‘Music can soothe even the savage beast.’ Deadset, that one’s a f**ken pearler, and we all know that a good bloody tune is a great way to chill the f**k out after a hard day at work. Still, have you ever really thought about it on a deeper level? Because the bloke in this video has, and he’s even got a mad demonstration to show us exactly how sound can create order out of chaos…

All right, the bloke sharing this video online is Ted Gioia. He’s a jazz musician and author, and he’s shared the video to give people a bit of a demonstration of some of his theories. The actual bloke in the video is Kenichi Kanazawa, a Japanese artist, and he should probably get the credit.

Credit: Twitter/Kenichi Kanazawa

Other than that, his trick’s pretty f**ken swish. He’s got what we think is salt, and he’s sprinkling it all over a big metal table. (It could be a gong or some other instrument, but f**k it, you can see it as well as we can, and it looks like a table, right?)

Credit: Twitter/Kenichi Kanazawa

Anyway, the talented bugger pulls out a teaspoon, and a couple of f**ken toffee apples (seeing as we’re mislabelling everything in this one), and he makes some sweet, sweet music by causing vibrations on the table.

Credit: Twitter/Kenichi Kanazawa

The effect, basically, is like that old gum commercial with the speakers. The salt moves and makes awesome shapes as a result of the different vibrations. It’s pretty cool stuff.

We’re not a hundred per cent sure how it works, but the fact the vibrations are moving the salt seems to sum it all up.

Credit: Twitter/Kenichi Kanazawa

Still, it’s pretty cool, no matter how you see it. Give the video a squiz and let us know what you reckon.

Final thought: Yeah, nah, we like this one. Seriously, check out some of f**ken Kenichi’s other clips too. He even does this shit with colours. It’s mad as f**k!

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Parents V Stairs