Someone drew a penis so big it can be seen from space
Anyone bloke who’s ever been to school has drawn a mighty schlong in someone else’s notepad. F**k, anyone who’s had a mate leave his or her notepad unguarded for as long as it takes to sketch a badly rendered beaver buster has drawn a mighty schlong in someone else’s notepad. F**k, why are we limiting this to notepads? Pretty much every bloke everywhere – and probably a few blokettes too – have drawn an old-fashioned cock and balls somewhere they shouldn’t.
We’ve said it before and I’m sure we’ll say it again. Unexpected cock and balls graffiti is bloody hilarious. Yep, no matter where you’re from, you can have a chuckle when you see that someone’s ‘doodled’ the proverbial meat and two veg on some random object.

Credit: Take The Piss Geelong
So, props to the two blokes from Markus Hill near Geelong in Victoria who drew a cyclopean milk spitter so bloody massive it could be seen from space. Yep, these two legends, who no doubt laughed the entire time they were doing it, marked up a dry salt lake to create a fallopian fiddler so big it rivals the f**ken Nazca lines in scope.

Ten bucks says the guys who did this had a beer in their hands. Credit: Google Maps
Caught by Google Maps, the gigantic jizz-blaster comes replete with gobs of cum shooting out of it.
The unnamed artist behind the humongous heat-seeking moisture missile and balls told 9Pickle, “We own the property just off the lake – it was dried up for about a year. And so we went out exploring on the lake one day. The top layer was kinda like salt and when you stood on it, it turned into mud. We were out there for a couple of hours, stampin’ away.”
And, in fashion that doesn’t sound at all like they set the old b*stard up, their uncle was the first one to tell them their handiwork was online for all to see. “My uncle actually spotted it,” he said. “He was just looking at our property on Google Maps and saw it.” Tell me that they didn’t get their uncle to have a look at the property on Google Maps.

Anyone else think it looks kinda Squidward-like? Credit: Google Maps
Final thought: Bloody classic work this. Unfortunately, the massive mushroom-tipped meatstick has since been washed away, but the image should stay until Google Maps update their photos again. And to be honest, even once that does happen, the images will stay online for all to see. Has to be said though – it only takes a couple of wankers to go out there once a week and keep treading that purple-headed python into the salt and it’ll be there forever. Come on, Straya. You got this!
If you wanna bone up your own dick and balls drawing skills, check out this video.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Flexible Woman