Priests Gives His Followers Rat Poison To Prove That They’re Immortal, Here’s What Happened

Priests Gives His Followers Rat Poison To Prove That They’re Immortal, Here’s What Happened

Crazy priests making bold claims in the name of the lord is nothing new but this guy is into some next level shit…

Priest Light Monyeki from Soshanguve, a township near Pretoria in South Africa, set out to show his congregation of loyal followers that they were death-proof by getting them to drink rat poison and it went exactly as you would expect.

Monyeki told his believers that they should not fear death as they were both superhuman and immortal. In order to show that he had conviction in his beliefs, the nutty priest took a gulp of the poisonous liquid and declared:

“We do not need to proclaim faith because we are believers. Death has no power over us.”

What could possibly go wrong?

What could possibly go wrong?

Tragically, a number of his followers believed Monyeki’s bold claim and rushed forward to take a drink from the poisoned chalice so the priest poured bottles of water contaminated with the rat poison into their waiting mouths.


The dude looks genuinely surprised that people are going through with this...

The dude looks genuinely surprised that people are going through with this…

Predictably, one by one, the members of his congregation began to complain of sharp pains in their stomach’s and by the end of that evening, five people were dead and a further 13 were rushed to hospital for urgent treatment.

Despite this absolute disaster, Monyeki denied any responsibility for what happened, announcing; “Too much of any good thing could be bad.”

Wait, what? That’s a pretty crazy thing to say after five people have just died. I’m not sure what he means by “any good thing,” either. Does he mean that the goddamn rat poison was a good thing?

A police investigation into the tragedy is ongoing but, as yet, no arrests have been made. I know who I’d be speaking to if I was on the case, though. Actually, is it even illegal to poison people if you genuinely believe that no harm will come to them?

Every year, the Darwin Awards are given to individuals or groups who have supposedly contributed to human evolution by selecting themselves out of the gene pool by way of death. It’s only early in 2017 but I reckon we’ve already got a top contender, here.