Legend street artist transforms city streets

Credit: Tom Bob

Legend street artist transforms city streets

At the risk of romanticising a little bit, cities live and breathe with personality. Do a little travelling and you’ll notice it in no time. Compare Berlin to London, Bucharest to Milan, Prague to Madrid; they all bustle with their own character. Vibrant art is a big factor in that character. So you have to love it when a street artist brings something stylish and new to the table.

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

And that’s where Tom Bob comes in. Tom Bob is a creative bloke. His modus operandi is to travel the globe and find innocent looking objects in the urban landscape that are just ripe with potential. He takes those innocent looking objects and infuses them with the breath of life.

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Like a paintbrush messiah he creates vivid and bold works of art from the most mundane objects. To give you a taste of his transformational powers, we’ve uploaded some of his most interesting projects.

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Whereas some people see just a plain old bit of pipe sticking out of a plain old brick wall, Tom Bob sees a Chaplin-esque character.

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Some see a simple drainpipe, but Bob brings out the knight’s helm hidden in broad daylight.

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

He turns an ordinary lane on an ordinary street into a tenpin bowling lane. Gas-meters become trapeze artists under his watch, air-conditioners become caterpillars, fire hydrants become tin-men, and drain-covers become fly-swats.

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Credit: Tom Bob

Final thought: You have to give it to him; he has a great creative brain. Have you seen any similar works of art in cities near you? I’d love to see some of this around here. It’d certainly bring a touch of wonder to the place.

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H/T: Bored Panda.