The Comedy Wildlife Photography Competition 2017 Finalists Have Been Announced

PHOTOGRAPH BY George Cathcart / CWPA / Barcroft Images

The Comedy Wildlife Photography Competition 2017 Finalists Have Been Announced

Who doesn’t love a humorous photo of an animal caught in the bloody act? No one, that’s who! 

Well, strap yourselves in and get ready to admire some of the finalists from this year’s Comedy Wildlife Photography Competition.

Oh wow, look at this little dormouse. What a cutie! PHOTOGRAPH BY Andrea Zampatti / CWPA / Barcroft Images

Oh wow, look at this little dormouse.
What a cutie! PHOTOGRAPH BY Andrea Zampatti / CWPA / Barcroft Images

You know what I love best about this awesome little competition. It’s light-hearted and it’s run with one very noble goal in mind: conservation. I bloody love conservation.

It’s the sort of thing that ensures we’ll always be able to see wildlife when we go on a bushwalk. It ensures we share our planet with a range of cute and cuddly creatures. 

It ensures we don’t have to live in a horrible dystopia, listening to classical music and watching stock footage of extinct wildlife as we wait for euthanasia and out transformation into tasty, tasty Soylent Green.

Don’t take my word for it though. Here’s what the organisers have to say:

“This competition is about conservation. None of us are perfect, all of us at some point will probably provide some direct input into the general warming of the globe. Indirectly, we will also have some impact on the animals that share this planet with us.

Perhaps you will go to Born Free’s website and have a look at the work they do and spread that word as well.”

Without further ado, here are some of the best of this year’s finalists.

PHOTOGRAPH BY Carl Henry / CWPA / Barcroft Images

PHOTOGRAPH BY Carl Henry / CWPA / Barcroft Images

Fortunately these aren’t the much-feared Norwegian Black Metal Penguins. You can tell by their distinct lack of fire-setting instruments and corpse-paint. 

Seriously though, these guys are King Penguins dressed in their Sunday best.

PHOTOGRAPH BY Katy Laveck Foster / CWPA / Barcroft Images

PHOTOGRAPH BY Katy Laveck Foster / CWPA / Barcroft Images

Look at the fangs on that b*****d! He’s all like, F*** YES THIS IS F***ING AWESOME. His mate though, he’s just enjoying the wind in his hair and the sight of the open road. Brilliant.

PHOTOGRAPH BY Daniel Trim / CWPA / Barcroft Images

PHOTOGRAPH BY Daniel Trim / CWPA / Barcroft Images

Muddy Mudskippers. They look like they’re enjoying a nice song together don’t they?

PHOTOGRAPH BY Jean Jacques Alcalay / CWPA / Barcroft Images

PHOTOGRAPH BY Jean Jacques Alcalay / CWPA / Barcroft Images

This blue wildebeest is the king of the bloody castle. Have a go at him there, surveying his brethren and looking down on them like the ground-dwelling plebs they are.

PHOTOGRAPH BY Olivier Colle / CWPA / Barcroft Images

PHOTOGRAPH BY Olivier Colle / CWPA / Barcroft Images

All right, very good, Mr Rabbit.  It is Movember after all. And you’re kind of cute.  Maybe we won’t put you in a pie just yet.

PHOTOGRAPH BY Josef Friedhuber / CWPA / Barcroft Images

PHOTOGRAPH BY Josef Friedhuber / CWPA / Barcroft Images

What the f***? Did you just say you put rabbits in pies? That’s f***ed up.

PHOTOGRAPH BY Johnny Kaapa / CWPA / Barcroft Images

PHOTOGRAPH BY Johnny Kaapa / CWPA / Barcroft Images

You think he’s cute now. Wait till he gives you fleas. Dirty little rodent.

PHOTOGRAPH BY Graeme Guy / CWPA / Barcroft Images

PHOTOGRAPH BY Graeme Guy / CWPA / Barcroft Images

Hang on a minute. Is that giraffe just plucking humans from the window and devouring them? I didn’t even know giraffes were carnivores. Bloody hell!

PHOTOGRAPH BY George Cathcart / CWPA / Barcroft Images

PHOTOGRAPH BY George Cathcart / CWPA / Barcroft Images

“Er, Steve?  Are you doing an exorcist? Is your head gonna turn all the way around?”

You can see the rest of this year’s finalists here.

There you have it. Enjoy the photos and check out Born Free

H/T: IFL Science.