This stunning treehouse in Bali is a bloody bargain for just $50 per night
It’s no bloody secret that plenty of Ozzies love Bali. F**k, you could even say they love it long time! Every year, many celebrating school graduates head there to get f**ked up on cheap piss and swindled by a dodgy ladyboy, but despite that, there are places you can stay that don’t require you to dodge drunk moped riders, pickpocketing monkeys and street-vendors looking to send you home with a pair of knock-off Nikes. Some of ‘em are even nice. Check this joint out…
Rightio, if you’ve been on the internet in the last few days, you might have heard talk of a sweet-as-f**k treehouse in Bali that’s going for as little as fifty bucks a night.
Well, have we got news for you? The place is f**ken legit, and apparently, it’s actually as nice as it sounds.

Credit: AirBNB
Considering some of the s**tty little cupboards masquerading as bedrooms on AirBNB, that’s a f**ken win.

Credit: AirBNB
Anyway, this place is in a place called Nusa Penida and here’s how it’s described on AirBNB:
“Imagine waking up from sleep accompanied clean air, the sound of birdsong, and the smell of fresh trees. Moreover, coupled with a panoramic view of the sea, sunrise and sunset are certainly amazing In Indonesia, now your dream can be realised because we have found exotic tree house that you can stay.”
You don’t need us to tell you about the s**t-hot view, you can see it from the images, but we bet you can imagine sitting on that balcony and looking out over the beach with a stonking hangover from all the bintangs.
Unfortunately, the joint’s booked out for the foreseeable future, but if you do want to keep an eye on it, just load up AirBNB and search for Rumah Pohon. That should bring it up. We’re sure you know how to handle the rest from there.
Let’s just hope you don’t rock up to find it full of monkey s**t and mosquitoes.

Credit: AirBNB
Final thought: We joke about it, but, in all fairness, the joint’s had some cracking f**ken reviews and sleeping in a fully sick tree-house over a view like that is the kind of thing dreams are made of. F**ken get on it.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination F**ked Compilation 9