Let's hope Mum and Dad don't watch the news! Credit: Daily Mail
Teen carrying suspicious plant caught in Live TV report outside cannabis farm
Sometimes the job of a journalist is bloody tough. There’s all the filtering through dozens of dodgy leads, separating the crank calls from the good ones and pounding the pavement trying to find people in the know. Every now and then though, something just falls into your lap. Have a look at the video down below to see the chance occurrence that saw a young bloke wander in front of a news camera with what might well be a mull plant.
Look, we won’t beat around the bush here. There is a little need to mention that the young fella in the vid might be having a bit of a laugh at the journo’s expense – he does, after all, run straight past the camera after seeing it AND there’s a suspicion his pot plant might not actually be a ‘pot’ plant, if you know what I mean.

Sh*t sh*t sh*t! Credit: Daily Mail
Now that that’s out of the way, we’ll ignore it!
Have a go at this cheeky little monkey. Just as this Pommy journalist, Cameron Tucker (who’s a very stereotypically Pommy looking f**ker) is filming a bloody serious news report for the Daily Mail, some teenage hellion carrying what appears to be a big old weed tree slips around the corner.

Let’s hope Mum and Dad don’t watch the news! Credit: Daily Mail
He sees the camera and you can almost pinpoint the moment he realises he’s gotta blow this joint! Cam Tucker, me old mucker, watches the kid f**king gap it, but he doesn’t even raise a grin. Ever the consummate professional, he’s all stiff upper lip and ‘carry on then’.
The journo – as you can tell from the vid – was there to report on a big drug-bust that had happened only recently. If the kid was for real he must have been potty if he thought broad daylight was a good time to embark on his little trip.

Usain Piss-bolt! Credit: Daily Mail
Final thought: You have to wonder how far he thought he’d be able to go with a cannabis plant in broad daylight. I’d say he was probably high, but we all know he wouldn’t have been running if he was – he’d have been sat on his backside, monster munch in hand and Rick and Morty on the television. For those of you who partake, keep one thing in mind: the cover of night is always a good option if you need to move something suss!
H/T: Daily Mail.