Collection Of Tweets Perfectly Describe The Experience Of Being Married
Marriage. I might not actually be married, but I do have a gorgeous fiancée and we live in the same house so I’m going to go right ahead and assume I’m qualified to talk about this. One of the real joys of knowing someone that intimately and that well is the special bond you have. The injokes that no one outside of your circle is going to get, the almost telepathic bond on sh**, the sheer joy at having someone you can just totally be yourself with.

Credit: James Breakwell/The Chive
Of course, there’s another side to it too. The things you do that annoy each other, that irritate each other and that drive each other right up the wall. I get it. Guys are dumb and chicks are crazy. At least in a general sense that works as a cliché for what we’re about to look at.
The Chive shared 28 tweets that really sum up marriage perfectly and they’re a great mix of all the little things that make a life with someone amazing, irritating and pretty bloody special all in one.

Credit: ValeeGrrl/The Chive
What I like most about these are that so many of them are just so bloody relatable. I won’t share them all here, you can check out the Chive site for that, but here’s some of the best.
I can look at these and think F*** YES! I use bad puns on my girl all the time!

Credit: Max Dylan Ash/The Chive
I can look at them and think F*** YES! My girl eats my food all the time!

Credit: Keith/The Chive
I can look at them and think F*** NO! I am not going near that toilet when she’s using it. Firstly, I don’t want to. Secondly, she’ll kill me.

Credit: C/The Chive
Whereas this is totally something I’d do:

Credit: Mumsie/The Chive
Finally, I can look at these and think F*** YES! I prank the sh** out of my girl all the time. And she loves it!

Credit: The Chive
Seriously, this was my last prank on my girl. She’s a real sucker for jump scares. I put it beyond the closed bedroom door. She came running in from getting her nails done, desperate for a ladypoo.

Credit: Chuck Steinway
It was a huge success. My girl NEVER swears. This elicited a “WHAT THE F*** IS THAT? I hate you. I almost sh** myself. You knew I needed to poo.”

Credit: Kermit/The Chive

Credit: The Chive

Credit: The Chive
What do you reckon, guys? What are your thoughts? Load them into the comments box.
And don’t forget to check the full list on The Chive.
H/T: The Chive.