This new “beauty salon” is getting a lot of attention for their best services

This new “beauty salon” is getting a lot of attention for their best services

We’ve mentioned before that while the internet’s full of nasty f**ken trolls who only want to destroy, hurt, and divide; there’s another kind of troll that uses the internet as a way to bring joy to people. From what we can gather, this new ‘beauty salon’ is one of the latter. Having only gone live a few days ago, it’s already making people look twice with ‘beauty solutions’ that are more than a little tough on the eye…

Yeah, nah, Chrissy’s Beauty Salon in Chesterfield, Pommyland, is the kind of place that aims ‘to bring great value treatments and cosmetics for affordable prices.’ Of course, that’s only if you believe the About Page on their Facey.

Credit: Chrissy’s Beauty Salon

Credit: Chrissy’s Beauty Salon

Judging from the comments, though, some people aren’t sure whether the site is a joke or whether it’s f**ken legit. That’s because if it does one thing very well, it’s sell its wares with deadpan delivery. Anyone who looks at the photos – many of which are famed bad jobs from the internet – ought to know better, but, you know…

Credit: Chrissy’s Beauty Salon

Credit: Chrissy’s Beauty Salon

Have a look through some of these posts. It’s f**ken chockers with heinous bodge-jobs, while selling itself with the confidence of a proper bulls**t artist.

Credit: Chrissy’s Beauty Salon

Credit: Chrissy’s Beauty Salon

Using images of a pretty shocking haircut, they’re advertising good deals on home-based cuts for men n boys, anal bleaching with real kitchen bleach, COVID-friendly massages, waxing, and a tonne more questionable products.

Credit: Chrissy’s Beauty Salon

Credit: Chrissy’s Beauty Salon

Anyway, have a bloody squiz and let us know if you’d go there for your own needs.

Final thought: As we’ve said a few times now, you’ve gotta love a solid troll page. We reckon this one’s pretty good because you don’t have to dig too deep to figure out it’s all bulls**t. As fans of the bants, we’re down with it. Let us know what you reckon in the Facebook comments and we’ll go from there!

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Humans being nice