Shaman Dives Into Croc Infested Waters To Prove Supernatural Powers, Gets Eaten
Crocodiles are big scary b*****ds, we all know that, but we also all know that if you stay out of their way they’re one of the easiest man-eating beasts to avoid. Simple fact: unless you’re Steve Irwin (or his progeny), you shouldn’t be anywhere near their water. That’s when crocodiles become lethal as f***.
That’s why it’s kinda hard to have any bloody sympathy for the shaman in this video. He’s not just hovering near the water’s edge; he’s in the water looking for the dead body of a young fella a crocodile dragged under the day before. It’s noble, but bugger me sideways it’s about as smart as a bag of carrots.

Chanting as he tells the crocs they are his b*****s. Credit: YouTube/Liveleak
The shaman, named Suprianto, claimed to have supernatural control over the crocodiliacs and reckoned they wouldn’t hurt him. Now, in Indonesia they’ve got salties. The biggest baddest ones in the crocodile world.
They’re the same ones we have here in Ozzyland and they see mammals our size as a food source. Supriano may as well have just basted himself in ketchup before going in the water. As soon as he had his bad idea he wasn’t just entering their territory, he was entering Destination F****d without the return flight booked.

Seems like they’re listening to him. Credit: YouTube/Liveleak
The story goes that Supriano was chanting mantras in order to control the crocs in the water when he was taken.
It’s amazing that no one called bullsh** before it was too late. Sure, different cultures and regions have their own beliefs… but did no one say, ‘Hey, Supey, mate, don’t go in there. It’s a sh** idea. They killed Arjuna yesterday and no one wants to see you get eaten. You’re a bit weird, but you’re all right. Just wait for the cops.”

Here’s the croc delivering the shaman’s invite to Destination F****d. Credit: YouTube/Liveleak
As you can see in the video he gets away with a pencil dive thingo before swimming near the pontoon and disappearing in a flurry of splashes. The silly bastard wasn’t seen again until later that night.

Aaaannnd he’s gone. Credit: YouTube/Liveleak
Police later recovered both bodies.
Kids, if you are in crocodile territory, do as Steve Irwin said and treat every puddle, sink and bath-tub as if it’s got a croc in it. It’s just the smart thing to do.
H/T: Daily Mail.