Ozzy Man Reviews: WTF Happened in December 2016
Me commentary on WTF Happened in December. Celebrity deaths, Rhonda Rousey’s UFC return, and Mariah Carey’s new year’s performance were a few of the main events. Source vids below.
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Vids used:
Mariah Carey NYE performance disaster:
Dachshund eats banana like a human (Jukin Video):
Man punches Kangaroo (ViralHog):
Football vs Face Slow Mo (the slow mo guys):
Tesla car predicts accident:
Debbie Reynolds Singin in the Rain:
Carrie Fisher Dies at 60:
George Michael – Faith
Greatest paper, scissors, rock win
Man punches Cougar in Canada:
Toronto Zoo Panda vs Snowman
Modelling shoot gets interrupted:
Home Alone content:
Liam Neeson as Santa:
Bottle flipping Grandma:
Closing Time
Fair Dealing – Parody, Satire, Review, Commentary