Credit: Blossom
These 13 easy peasy peeling hacks are a bloody game changer
As you’re aware, we’re aware, and every man and his bloody dog are aware, peeling stuff in the kitchen is about as enjoyable as trying to walk with a melon up your arse. Deadset, it bloody sucks a fat one. It’s painful, it’s messy and it’s more than a little bit tedious. Fortunately, finding easy ways to peel food seems to be a pretty big infatuation on the internet lately. We’ve had viral pineapples, fully sick ways to peel garlic and tonnes more. And, yeah, it was only a matter of time before someone put ‘em all together in the one vid. Check it out…

Credit: Blossom
Rightio, put your hands – and your stumpy little fingers – up if you shouldn’t be trusted with your missus’s kitchen knives. Obviously, we can’t see whether or not you actually did that, but we’re gonna pretend that more than a few of you did. That’s good, because most of these food-peeling techniques don’t require one. By the way, make sure you thank YouTube channel Blossom for the vid.
At the rate I am now convinced I have been breathing all wrong pic.twitter.com/fpyRCRTdwm
— Proxcey ✪ (@ItsProxcey) June 18, 2019

Credit: Blossom
The first food this video offers up for us is a ‘shrimp’. Here in Ozzyland, we don’t know what that is – much to everyone’s surprise. And, in fairness, that’s because we call those tasty little buggers in the picture prawns. And, er, yeah, the peeling method on offer is actually pretty forking good. You just take the decollated shrimp (that means it’s got no head) and stick the fork under the shell. You then slide the prawn down the tine and Bob’s your bloody uncle.

Credit: Blossom
The vid then cycles through a bunch of other foods. There are lobsters, herbs, pineapples, oranges and crab legs. And then we come to the peach. Seriously, if you bloody weirdos in other countries are peeling peaches, you’re stranger than we thought. Why would you peel a bloody peach?

Credit: Blossom
Anyway, there’s tonnes of good stuff in here, and it’s well worth a bloody geez. Get onto it.

Credit: Blossom
Seriously, though, foodie people of the internet. How the flamin’ hell do ya grab a bunch of prawns without getting shanked by the bloody horns. Those things are sharper than a mother-in-law’s tongue!

Credit: Blossom
Final thought: Yeah, as you can tell, there’s a lot of bloody footage in here. If you can’t put some of it to use, you really don’t deserve to be in the kitchen. Let us know if you use any of these and whether or not they’re actually as bloody simple as the video makes it seem.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Russian Sport
Video Link: Blossom