Russian TV shows off ‘robot’ that’s actually a man in a robot suit

Russian TV shows off ‘robot’ that’s actually a man in a robot suit

F**ken robots are pretty big business these days. And er, yeah, nah, we’re not talking about the kind that puts you out of work or the kind that sucks and f*cks, we’re talking about proper robots you can buy as friends for lonely kids, helpers for the elderly, or remorseless drones to use when wiping out your enemies. It seems that Russia is all over it. Particularly when it comes to the whole man-in-a-robot-suit kind of robot. Check this sh*t out…

Rightio, we all know that Russia has a bit of a history of fake news, don’t we? That’s not exactly ground-breaking – and there’s a f**ken tops Ted Talk all about it if you’re keen. If you’re not, you might want to check out the last time we talked about it.

Credit: Russia-24

Credit: Russia-24

Well, this time, the ‘news’ seems to be more accidental than deliberate – although they may well have hoped this would go viral in a far more positive way. Anyway, at the Russia Forum, Russian television channel, Russia-24, was blown away by the human-like skills of Boris the Robot.

Credit: Russia-24

Credit: Russia-24

They waxed lyrical about how bloody good this thing was. Not everyone was convinced, though. Russian website TJournal posted a bunch of questions about the robot. They wanted to know where Boris’s external sensors were, why the robot made unnecessary movements while dancing, and why the robot looked like a bloke could fit inside it. Although, apparently, Japan does big business with robots a man can ‘fit inside’. If you know what we mean…

Anyway, shortly after, some observant prick spotted the man inside the robot suit and posted a photo online. It turns out that Boris is actually an ‘Alyosha the Robot’. An expensive robot costume made by a company called Show Robots.

In fairness though, experts think this was more of a f**k-up by Russia-24 than a deliberate attempt to mislead.

Credit: MBKh Media

Credit: MBKh Media

Final thought: Look, you’ve got to love a good news cock-up. Regardless of what the bloody hell is going on in this video, the whole thing is pretty funny. It’d be good if some of our Russian friends could translate for us. Just don’t go trying to rig our elections, all right? Our governments don’t last long enough for you to bother. Oh, shit, plot twist! What if Trump is the real Russian Robot and he’s just hiding inside a man suit! Faaaaarrrrrrrkkkk!!!!

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Lion v Hyenas