Credit: Inside Edition
Dude wearing TV on head keeps leaving old TVs on people’s front porches
Despite the pretty sleek nature of our modern televisions, it wasn’t that long ago that the idiot box was actually a pretty hefty and clunky piece of hardware. For the most part, the world has moved on. One bloke who hasn’t is the strange fella in Henrico County, Virginia who thinks everyone should still have one. Yeah, nah, this bloke loves ‘em so much he’s wearing one on his head and gifting random houses with old-school tube-style televisions.

Credit: Inside Edition
Look, we’re pretty big fans of the kind of old-school horror movies you might have seen on some of these classic televisions, but we’re not going to focus on the fact this dude could easily be a slasher villain setting up his next extensive killing spree.
Instead, we’re just going to get you thinking about how bloody weird this is. Have a bit of a squiz at the footage down below and ask yourself how you’d react if you woke up to find out your house had been visited by this apparent TV Santa.
As things stand right now, no one’s really sure just why this guy’s making these deliveries. Nor are they sure why something similar happened last year. Of course, the difference between the two events is that last year only about twenty televisions were delivered. This year, some fifty to sixty houses have received the televisions.

Credit: Inside Edition
Adrian Garner, one of the recipients – and probably one of those marked for some sort of bizarre abduction and imprisonment by a killer we reckon we should call Videodrone (thanks Dave) – told his local television station, WWBT, “It’s the weirdest thing. He squats down, puts the TV there and walks off. It’s really weird.”
And, yeah, you know what. It is. You’d think that if some guy was getting all these televisions delivered they’d be able to track that. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. The only thing to do is take the television inside and watch whatever transmission Videodrone has programmed for you.

Credit: Inside Edition
Seriously, though, if you do get one, don’t watch it. It can’t end with anything good happening.
Final thought: Look, the world’s a strange place, but as long as the cops don’t discover that these televisions all contain footage of separate murders once they’re done ‘taking them to the dump’ we reckon this’ll all be fine. Just fine.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Captain America v Captain America
Video Link: Inside Edition