Credit: 20th Century Fox/Macauley Culkin
Disney announces Home Alone reboot and Macaulay Culkin responds
Any 90s kid who didn’t watch Home Alone 50,000 friggen times can’t really claim to be a 90s kid. It’s basically the staple-diet kids’ film of a generation and it’s remained a classic for that reason. So, it’s probably not even a tiny surprise that Disney has announced it’s gonna reboot it for its new Disney streaming channel. Naturally, people want to have their say on this. And, of course, amongst all the chatter, the original star and only true Kevin, Macaulay Culkin, added his two cents…

Credit: Twitter
Taking to Twitter, Culkin shared an image of what an updated Home Alone would – and maybe should – look like. Perched on his couch in a headband, wife-beater singlet, grundies and a flanno, he’s pretty much summed up what must be an average night on the couch for most folks. S**t, he’s even showing his real age by using a proper mouse with his laptop. You know that’s something only proper old b**tards do.

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter
He followed up the image with a plea for Disney to ‘call him’. We’d say it was tongue-in-cheek, but come on, the dude needs a cameo in any new film. It’s just respectful, right.

Credit: Twitter
Naturally, people have responded to Macaulay. While, it’s basically inevitable, and perhaps surprising that it hasn’t happened sooner, people are still also adding their thoughts on the forthcoming reboot. We’ll be honest, we’re so used to reboots now, that we’re just shrugging our shoulders.

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter
Having watched the original with the tin-lids a few times, we can vouch for the fact that it’s still piss-funny to six-year-olds, but the famous final act really doesn’t last for as long as we remember it lasting.

Credit: Twitter
Is it a problem that they’re rebooting it? We don’t reckon so. At times like this, we like to paraphrase Stephen King. The originals are still there. You can still enjoy them and if you don’t wanna check out the new stuff, you don’t have to.

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter
Final thought: Anyway, we wanna know your thoughts. Is rebooting it a good idea or not? Will you watch it?
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Captain America v Captain America
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