Seven month old baby has amassed 40,000 Instagram fans for her mop of hair
Most little blokes and blokettes are lucky to be born with even a few strands of hair. We usually come out of the baby cannon bald and gooey. Usually. Every now and then, nature will throw up a genetic variation. And that’s certainly the case for this little newborn Japanese sheila, Chanco. Her mutant superpower: hair – and lots of it!

Credit: Instagram/BabyChanco
Baby Chanco was born with a full head of hair, and since day one, that sh*t has grown like grass in summer. There is just no stopping it! Have a geez at it will ya?

Credit: Instagram/BabyChanco
Now, before you say, “Yeah, nah, something ain’t right here, that just has to be a wig, because seriously, baby Chanco almost looks like Steve from Stranger Things with that hair-do,” take a step back. I’ll have you know it’s a bloody thing of beauty. Fortunately, Chanco’s olds know exactly what to do with her awesome hair. Exploit it for internet fame and fortune!

Credit: Instagram/BabyChanco & Netflix
Chanco’s mum has set up an Instagram account of the hirsute little sheila. It’s called a ‘Hair Diary’, presumably because it details the exploits of that mop of hair. I imagine that considering Chanco is only seven months old it reads like this:
- Dear diary. I got some baby vomit in me. It was kinda gross but still kinda cute. It left me feeling conflicted.
- Dear diary. I’ve noticed I’m thinning out at the back. Must tell the baby not to always sleep on the same spot.
- Dear diary. Why am I sentient? This is quite the curse.
You get the idea.

Credit: Instagram/BabyChanco
Anyway, Chanco’s hair diary is a big hit with the online community. Posts regularly garner more than 10,000 likes from the page’s 40,000 followers, and considering the page is just photos of a baby with a full head of hair, you can’t help but be impressed.

Credit: Fox/The Simpsons
Final thought: We all know you need a gimmick to make it online, but who’d have thought it’d be as simple as 9 months of severe indigestion and a baby that looks like it’s wearing Snake Jailbird’s mullet?
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Rolling Lemon