Bloke notices Eminem never smiles, so he photoshops him brilliantly
Eminem is a famously intense mother**ker. That’s probably got a lot to do with his whole thing being that he’s a dude from the streets who’s conquered great adversity to reach cult status while still ‘keeping it real.’ And that’s fair enough. He’s far from the only celeb to cultivate a brooding image, and the world needs a bit of anger from time to time. That doesn’t make Photoshop guru Mike Brown’s work any less funny, though. Mike’s the bloke who noticed Em never smiles in photos and decided to fix that. Have a squiz…

Credit: Mike Brown

Credit: Mike Brown

Credit: Mike Brown
Speaking to Bored Panda, Mike said, “I have always manipulated faces. It’s just funny to me.” And, to be fair, it is. It’s funny as f**k. “I always look for new manipulations, and ways to go about it.” Well, when he stumbled across a plug-in that finds near matches, he was well on his way to making everyone smile like dogs with two d**ks.

Credit: Mike Brown

Credit: Mike Brown

Credit: Mike Brown
“Although I had some success, the results took too long to ‘get right,’ so I kept trying and trying different ways. I ended up buying an app on Google Play that did just the trick in a faster time frame. So I do a first edit in Photoshop, then I run it through the Facetime app, apply a few filters to make the image seem real, and it’s done!”

Credit: Mike Brown

Credit: Mike Brown

Credit: Mike Brown
Of course, with millions of possible options out there for facial manipulation, you’ve gotta wonder how Mike chose Eminem as the target for extra servicing. “I chose Eminem because that guy never smiles! And me and my wife were laughing at the one I did initially. So I posted it by itself at first, and my sister wanted a few more because it looked so good. The rest I can’t explain lol, I woke up and there were like 32000 shares.”

Credit: Mike Brown

Credit: Mike Brown

Credit: Mike Brown
Final thought: Have a gander at all these photos, and let us know what you think about Slim’s smile in the comments section. If we’re completely honest, we reckon she’s more than a little bit creepy. Anyway, f**ken fire away. And make sure you let us know if you can think of any other suitable targets for Mike to give ‘the treatment’.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Quickest Dog Ever