Shark leaps out of the f@#*en water and bites parasailor’s foot
We seem to be saying this an awful lot lately, but f**ken sharks are terrifying creatures. Yeah, nah, don’t get us wrong, they’re bewdiful and they’re entitled to their space, but they don’t bloody quit do they? In the latest footage to hit the net, a cameraman’s caught the moment a f**ken shark lunges out of the red sea and munches on a parasailor’s foot. Check it out!
And look, we get it, sharks are only doing what they’ve evolved to do and there’s no malice in their actions. It’s just that when you consider they can be rather large apex predators, we often fit the description of lunch.

Credit: Newsflash
If you don’t believe us, the dude who got f**ken munched in this story is now missing part of his foot. Yeah, nah, the rear of his foot is gone. We reckon that by now it’s in a shark turd somewhere in the Red Sea.

Credit: Newsflash
Speaking of the Red Sea, that’s where this happened. The 37-year-old bloke was hovering above the water, enjoying a nice time when f**ken OM-NOM-NOM! Best of all, it was caught on camera. You can watch it down below.
Anyway, the bloke was lucky. Apparently, the guy driving the boat saw what was happening and started to reel in the line. Realising that half the dude’s foot had been munched, they rushed him to hospital where he underwent surgery.

Credit: Newsflash
He’s believed to have severed tendons, broken bones and an incomplete right foot. Yeah, nah, f**k that!
Final thought: Yeah, look, we always reckon it’s worth repeating that sharks aren’t monsters. They are, though, big f**ken predators. If you’re in their space, it’s always a possibility they feel a bit peckish and have a f**ken go. Anyway, give the video a bit of a gander and let us know what you reckon.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Cats being dodgy #4
Video Link: CN Post