Credit: Ladbible
Couple hilariously mortified after sending mirror selfie to parents
Bloody selfies. The latest documentation that proves you did stuff. If you don’t take a quick snap of your bulging biceps at the gym and post it on social media, did you even workout? If you don’t take a selfie with ya mates before a night on the town, did ya even go? In a world where we demand “pics or it didn’t happen” there’s bound to be a couple of epic photo fails.
A pommy couple Kelsey Poole and her boyfriend Elliot are the latest victims in a long line of selfie fails. They were enjoying a romantic weekend getaway in Antalya, Turkey and Kelsey sent a mirror selfie to update her oldies, and let them know they were having a lovely time.
While she was quick to make sure her outfit was on point and eyebrows were on fleek and all that, she failed to notice the bottle of lube in the bottom of the frame.

Credit: Ladbible
Safe to say the Durex Lube didn’t go unnoticed by Kelsey’s Mum, she’s as sharp as a tack! And Kelsey’s old girl has a bit of a sense of humour too ay? Nah, yeah…. she was all over it, making sure Kelsey knew her Dad was squirming.

Credit: Ladbible
Kelsey said:
“I thought it was hilarious and just made a joke of it – I said knee cream because my boyfriend genuinely has a dodgy knee.
“My boyfriend was absolutely mortified and he couldn’t believe I didn’t notice it in the pictures Although he does laugh about it now.”
“It was actually fine when we got home. My parents can luckily see the funny side of things. Although I was really laughing reading out some of the twitter replies and my dad said he doesn’t want to hear.
“My mum brought it up actually and kept laughing at my dads reaction apparently he zoomed in and said ‘oh lovely I didn’t really need to see that’.”
It got me thinking about a couple of selfie fails that I’ve seen doing the rounds over the years, reminding us all to check our surroundings and make sure personal items are out of site before posting ya mug to social media.

Credit: BoredPanda

Credit: BoredPanda

Credit: BoredPanda
Hahahaha and this Ozzy copper that’s about ready for his shift to end, putting up with knobs like these blokes taking the mickey outta of ’em.

Credit: BoredPanda
Final Thought: The lesson here is pretty obvious isn’t it? If you’re gonna annoy your family and friends with selfies, or try and rub it in that you’re on holidays or whatever, do us a favour and screw it up… Give us all a laugh by not checking your surroundings and background before posting. Thanks heaps ay.
H/T: Bored Panda & Ladbible