Zoo Director Breaks Up A Lion Lion With His ‘Magic’ Slipper
Remember when you were only as tall as a wombat’s wanger and you got in trouble with the oldies. If your household was typically Ozzy you were likely to cop a flogging with any one of the following: belt, wooden spoon, tea towel, thong (that’s a flip-fop for all you Pommies), rolled up newspaper. And to be fair, pretty much anything else handy would do the trick in a pinch. It was just how we rolled. And according to video from a zoo in the Ukraine, it’s how they roll too…
Come, come, grab your camera and don your pith helmet, we’re embarking on a safari and we need you to join us. We’re off to the Ukraine’s Taigan Safari Park. That’s where we’re hoping to get up close and personal with the lions. Just to make it extra special, we’re hitching a ride with the park’s owner Oleg Zubkov.

Uh-oh, they’re playing up! Credit: CEN/Safari Park Taigan
So…it seems we’re only just getting started on our trip through the lion’s den when we come across a pride of lions being dicks to one another. They’re giving one of the smaller female lions some grief when the big daddy lion – that’s the big hairy one for all you wankers who’ve never heard of lions before – is coming over with the big guns.

Now you’re in sh*t. Credit: CEN/Safari Park Taigan
Oleg is not f**ken having it. Look at him go. He’s out of the vehicle and walking straight into the midst of the fray. Don’t think he’s going unprepared though. He has a bloody magic slipper. He slips it off his foot and brandishes it like a bloody lion tamer.
Whack. Whack. F**ken whack! He’ll show those lions who’s boss. He doesn’t care that there’s people watching. Anyone wants to have a crack at him about his mistreatment of animals can probably cop a slap from the magic slipper too.

Cop this! Credit: CEN/Safari Park Taigan
In fairness though, it has to be said that Oleg’s discipline seems firm but fair. ‘They are being naughty and so here comes the magic slipper,’ he says. He even tells some tourists looking down from a platform, ‘This is a scary weapon.’
The lion does the smart thing and pisses off like the cowardly lion from The Wizard of Oz would! On his way back to the car, Oleg fires one more warning at the pride’s leader. ‘Behave yourself! I will not treat you like a lion. I will spank you!’

And this! Credit: CEN/Safari Park Taigan
Final thought: Good on ya, Oleg. You came to the rescue of that lioness and showed the lions who’s the bloody boss. All hail the slipper.
H/T: Daily Mail.