Credit: ABC-13
Weatherman takes to the air to respond to pissed off viewers “trying to watch the game”
There’s an old adage that suggests you can’t please everyone all the time. By extension, and in line with what your old man might have said to you, if that’s the case, please yourself and if some people don’t like it, they can f**ken do one. That message right there certainly seems to bear a sentiment this weatherman can get behind. A recent cyclone forced his channel to ruin the big game with a split-screen. Do you think he cared that some fans were annoyed? Yeah, nah, he didn’t give a monkey’s arsehole.

Credit: ABC-13
Those of you who live in areas prone to cyclones, hurricanes and tornadoes will know they can come with the wrecking power of a Tazzy Devil and they don’t give a s**t who or what gets in their way. For that reason, ABC-13 has made the commitment to keep tornado-warnings on-screen for the duration of their currency. If that means you’ve got watch the NBA semi-finals on split-screen, then meteorologist George Flickinger reckons that’s tough titties for you.
Naturally, some viewers reckon this goes a bit overboard. In fairness to them, it’s not hard to lose your head while watching an important game, and you can kinda understand how frustrating it must be, but let’s be honest. It’s a pretty f**ken small problem.

Credit: ABC-13
Anyway, here’s what some of them said:
“And I’d just like to say, I thank you for absolutely ruining game seven of Denver versus Portland because you have to show a f**king tornado warning for over a half an hour!”
Another bloke took it even further:
“We get it, there’s a tornado. It’s been on the TV for over 20 minutes and I’m trying to watch the last three minutes, not on the BS split screen. This is BS. You guys are terrible at your jobs.”
Flickinger, though, he could not care less about your opinion. Deadset, although he doesn’t actually say it, the sub-text of his justification for this is pretty clear-cut. Stop being a selfish c**t and understand that it’s about keeping people safe.

Credit: ABC-13
“Tonight, we are not going to apologise for what we did. Whenever there is a tornado warning, lives are at risk…that’s why we go on TV and stay on over programming and commercials. You never know when someone new is tuning in looking for critical information to protect themselves and their families. We take this responsibility very seriously and if we had a chance to do it all over again, we would.”
When you consider the big fella’s previously been given the flick for doing the same kinda thing at a rival network, you’ve gotta give him credit for sticking to his guns.
Final thought: When we saw that he’d been fired for doing this during a request for evacuation from emergency officials, we kinda couldn’t believe it, but we’re f**ken glad he did it again. Good s**t, George. You, sir, are a f**ken top bloke!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Game of Thrones Season 8 episode 6
Video Link: ABC13