Credit: Amazon
Amazon’s selling a DIY guesthouse ‘kit’ that you can assemble in 8 hours
More and more these days, designers and engineers are looking at ways to build sustainable – and affordable – products we can all use without f**king the environment too hard in its already broken poopchute. When you add the success of that concept to the fascination loads of you b**tards have with assembling s**t from Ikea and calling it building, it was only a matter of time before some clever company sparked new interest in the self-built granny flat.
That company is Allwood and the product is the Solvalla.
Without trying to advertise it too much, people online seem to be pretty bloody stoked with their new ‘kits’ that can see a couple of blokes and/or blokettes build their own extension in a single day.

Credit: Amazon
Their own marketing says a bunch of s**t.
Obviously. That’s what marketing does. But, the important parts are right f**ken here: “Assembly of this solid wood structure takes a full day for two adults.
Do it yourself simple step-by-step directions come with the kit and only minimal tools are needed.”

Credit: Amazon
Any build that needs minimum tool is a bloody ripper in our books, so let’s have a f**ken squiz at this thing.
Measuring 16 square meters, it’s the perfect size for sending your annoying in-laws out to the yard where they belong. Weighing over a tonne, it won’t see your mother-in-law floating away in a harsh wind, either. Not that any of you would want that.
Would you?

Credit: Amazon
Yeah, nah, we can’t believe there’s anyone here who would be so callous.
Anyway, moving on before things get awkward, this thing was advertised for just 6,550 US dollars (we presume). That’s circa 10 grand here in Ozzyland, and to be fair, that’s a f**ken steal. That’s probably why people online seem so bloody stoked with it.

Credit: Amazon
Final thought: Anything that sees people able to build their own s**t without relying on tradies and professionals is a good thing in our books. Let us know what you’d use yours for in the Facebook comments!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Koala in a Car
H/T: Amazon Product.