Bloke falls asleep on road trip, missus gets Internet to Photoshop what he missed
When you’re occupying one of the passenger seats on a road trip, there’s really only one rule you need to follow, don’t sleep through the entire journey. For sure, no one minds you having a little nap, that’s no wukkas, but if someone else has to stay awake and drive you from point A to point B, the least you can do is be present and be entertaining.

Credit: I’m Telling God

Credit: I’m Telling God

Credit: I’m Telling God
So when Eria’s other half, Scott, spent a road trip sleeping, snoozing and snoring instead of taking in the sights, sounds and scenery of the open road, Eria came up with a dastardly plan. Yeah, the cheeky sheila took photos of the poor bloke and put out the Photoshop signal for all the caped keyboard crusaders of the internet.

Credit: I’m Telling God

Credit: I’m Telling God

Credit: I’m Telling God

Credit: I’m Telling God

Credit: I’m Telling God

Credit: I’m Telling God
Yeah, nah, there’s not too much that’s as entertaining as a proverbial cavalcade of Photoshop roasts, so when Eria asked Facebook group, I’m Telling God, who are known for their dank-as-fuck memes, to doctor her photos of Sleeping Beauty so she could show him what he missed on the trip, they did not disappoint.

Credit: I’m Telling God

Credit: I’m Telling God

Credit: I’m Telling God
Taking advantage of a wealth of pre-existing memes, they created a whole bunch of photos that’ll make sure Scott’s road trip was one of the weirdest and wackiest on memory. It turns out Scott slept through a drive that took him past everything from Putin riding a bear through the crystal-clear waters of a flowing river to Kim Jong Un clapping their road trip mobile as if it was in the middle of a parade. He caught z’s as a giant cat licked the car’s windows and the Cat in the Hat took to the car with a baseball bat. He drifted in dreamland as things got hectic at Jurassic Park and the Terminator came back through time to rescue John Connor.

Credit: I’m Telling God

Credit: I’m Telling God

Credit: I’m Telling God
Obviously, there’s a tonne more, but good on Eria for ensuring Scott is now a part of meme-lore. Good on ya, Eria. Good on ya, Scott. Good on ya, I’m Telling God and all the meme lords who contributed.

Credit: I’m Telling God

Credit: I’m Telling God

Credit: I’m Telling God
Final thought: this should be a standard punishment for anyone who sleeps through a road trip. If you are the passenger and one of your mates is behind the wheel, be a good dude and make sure you stay awake and keep ‘em occupied, ya bum.

Credit: I’m Telling God

Credit: I’m Telling God
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Canadian Arrest
H/T: Bored Panda.