Credit: Bartolomeo Bove/Newsflare
Diver comes face-to-face with huge seven metre long Anaconda, doesn’t even sh*t himself
The anaconda is one of those snakes that’s reserved a pretty friggen special reputation for itself over the years. The Ice Cube film from the late 90s can probably take a little bit of credit, but in all honesty, these giant serpents weren’t exactly an unknown quantity before that. Just think for a moment, and ask yourself what snakes come to mind when we say ‘man-eater’? With that said, we reckon that if you discovered you were swimming with one, you’d probably be out of that water like a rocket.
Well, Bartolomeo Bove isn’t like most people. Yeah, nah, as you’ll see in a video he’s recently posted online, he’s not worried about sharing the water with a snake that could probably eat him. We don’t know whether that makes him a brave bloke or a stupid one, but we are grateful he scored some pretty bloody schmick footage of a seven-metre anaconda on a recent diving trip.

Credit: Bartolomeo Bove
Yeah, you read that right. Seven metres. Seven friggen metres. The keen bugger found it while diving in the crystal clear waters of the Formoso River in Brazil, and he even meant to do it. He reckons it – and the surrounding bodies of water in Bonito – are pretty much the only place in South America where you can find the snake in crystal clear water.

Credit: Newsflare

Credit: Newsflare
“The river water temperature is 22-24 degrees year round and when during winter the air is generally cooler than the water the anacondas spend more time in the water,” he says. In the video, you’ll see that he doesn’t do what most of us would when confronted with the snake. Yeah, nah, he doesn’t pack his dacks with terror terrine, he keeps up with it and gets more photos.

Credit: Newsflare

Credit: Newsflare
It’s not a drama for him, though. It’s a good snake, he reckons. “As shown in the footage the anaconda swims calm and peaceful,” he says. “It’s completely indifferent to our presence, and sometimes she comes closer, curious about my camera and licking the lens.”

Credit: Newsflare
Final thought: If you’re a regular on this site, you’ll know we love wildlife. You’ll know we’re all about conservation, but if we came face to face with an anaconda that size, we’d be conserving one thing above all else: ourselves. Let us know what you’d do in the Facebook comments.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Pandas Part 2
Video Link: Bartolomeo Bove