Sheila’s wet hair freezes solid after stepping outside

Sheila’s wet hair freezes solid after stepping outside

In case you’re not aware, it’s really bloody cold in the US at the moment. Deadset, temperatures have dropped to the almost unbelievably low minus 40 degrees Celsius mark. That is f**ken ridiculous. At that temperature, there’d be bloody snowmen trying to warm up in front of the fire and polar bears announcing, “f**k me, she’s a bit bloody chilly.” That doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun, though. Just ask the sheila who demonstrated how cold it was outside by letting her hair freeze.

Rightio, ya legends, for this story we’re heading to Iowa. That’s right, the US state responsible for heavy metal icons, Slipknot. In that particular locale, temperatures are f**ken freezing. At minus 51 Fahrenheit (or minus 41 Celsius), anyone running outside to water the plants will be pissing ice, and that’s if their junk hasn’t shrunk to almost invisible levels.

Credit: Taylor Scallon

Amongst the frigid conditions, Taylor Scallon, one of the locals, figured the best way to demonstrate just how bloody chilly it is would be to wet her hair and then see if it froze in position. Spoiler alert: it f**ken does.

Credit: Taylor Scallon

The crazy sheila is having a whale of a time enjoying the cold. And to be fair, we’re a bit envious here in Ozzyland right now. She’s having a grand old laugh and enjoying the cold snap for what it is. Have a bloody go at it. You can even see the mist from her breath when she comes back inside.

What might be an interesting question for the science buffs out there would be to figure out if dry hair would still freeze at that temperature. If it does, would that make it easier to snap your hair?

Credit: Taylor Scallon

Final thought: There’s a part of us that thinks we’d welcome that cold right now, but at temperatures capable of blistering your bollocks, we reckon staying here and enjoying the warmth isn’t so bad.

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Strange World Records

H/T: Daily Mail.