Credit: Bonedrymilkers
Sheila grows her leg-hair out and her BF’s not a fan – now the Internet is divided
Say what you will about changing perceptions and cultural norms evolving, but there are some things that are still up for debate. Like female leg-hair. Now, it’s not our place to say whether a sheila should grow her leg-hair or not, but we want to know what you lot reckon about this. After all, the way this conversation went sparked a bit of debate. Give it a squiz.
All right. Straight up, with no caveat, a sheila’s body is her own and she can do what she wants with it. By the same token, so is a bloke’s. That’s not up for debate here. What we will ask, though is this: in a relationship, should there be some give and take regarding what tickles your partner’s fancy.

Credit: Bonedrymilkers
And, look, even that is the kinda question we can probably answer. Our gut feeling is that it’s all about your individual relationship and what works for you. Despite that, we don’t reckon shame and/or guilt-trips are healthy.

Credit: Bonedrymilkers

Credit: Bonedrymilkers
Anyway, let’s get to the crux of the story. The sheila in the pics, sent her man a picture of her hairy legs. He reacted in a way that some will say is patriarchal and others will say is honest. Whatever your take, the point is, he wasn’t a fan and he wasn’t shy in letting his misso know.

Credit: Bonedrymilkers

Credit: Bonedrymilkers
Of course, once this went online, the internet had its say, saying that she should dump the guy. It looks like the two decided to split over the whole thing. If we’re completely fair, we’d say there are probably bigger issues. You can figure all that out, though.

Credit: Bonedrymilkers

Credit: Bonedrymilkers
What we want to know from you guys is simple: who’s in the wrong here? The sheila? The bloke? Both of them? Neither of them? Let us know.

Credit: Bonedrymilkers
Final thought: Yeah, as we alluded to above, we reckon it’s a bit rich to say a sheila MUST do anything to make her man happy, but we also reckon it’s only fair that the bloke’s allowed to be honest about whether or not something’s a turn-off. Still, we’re not here to preach. We’re here to find out what you reckon. See you in the comments section.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination F Compilation (vol #19)