Ryan Reynolds trolls wife Blake Lively on her birthday by uploading dreadful photos of her

Credit: Ryan Reynolds/Instagram

Ryan Reynolds trolls wife Blake Lively on her birthday by uploading dreadful photos of her

If you’ve got a missus who needs to make sure every photo is perfect, you probably know what it’s like to have to retake your picture a thousand times. Of course, everyone keeps a couple of candid ones handy just in-case they need to embarrass their sheila for a special occasion. And when we say ‘everyone’, we mean it. If you’ve checked out Ryan Reynolds’ Instagram lately, you’ll know what we’re talking about.

Credit: Ryan Reynolds/Instagram

Yeah, deadset, we all know he’s a cheeky bugger, but it turns out he likes to live dangerously as well. He’s been uploading photos of Blake that were taken when she was completely unprepared for the shot. Now, we don’t know about you, but we know plenty of blokes who’d be going without nookie for a few days if they were pulling that s**t on their sheila.

Credit: Ryan Reynolds/Instagram

The series of photos he’s uploaded all feature Blake in what can only be described as compromised positions. Most of the time, her eyes are closed, she’s standing at an odd angle or the lighting’s all wrong.

Credit: Ryan Reynolds/Instagram

Personally, we reckon it just shows that even celebs are only human, but with Reynold’s captioning the photos with a happy birthday message, you’ve gotta remember he’s a notorious smartass. In the comments, Deadpool creator Rob Liefield even chucks in his own two cents. “There are no bad photos of Blake Lively,” he reckons.

Credit: Ryan Reynolds/Instagram

Still, we reckon he can get away with it. The two seem to have a pretty good way of going about life. Reynolds once said, ““Blake and I don’t do movies at the same time. If she is doing a movie in Thailand and I am doing a movie in Vancouver we would just never see each other. We operate as a unit, and that works really well for us.”

Credit: Ryan Reynolds/Instagram

Credit: Ryan Reynolds/Instagram

Final thought: Look, we’re gonna leave this final thought to the sheilas in the audience. Ladies, how’d you feel if your bloke was uploading photos like this to your Facey? Let us know in the comments section.

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