Russian Synthol kid known as “Popeye” made his MMA debut and it didn’t go well
Remember being a kid and thinking that any dude who happened to have big muscles must be a fully-sick fighter? We’re not sure whether it’s an idea that comes from playing with GI Joes, watching WWE or just not knowing a great deal about the world, but it’s bulls**t. That’s kinda why we don’t get the fact some dudes are really into synthol. It doesn’t look good and it doesn’t make you tough. And that brings us to the Russian Kirill Tereshin’s first MMA fight…
You might remember Kirill aka Popeye. He’s that Russian kid who’s injected so much synthol into his arms they’re now deteriorating and f**king him right up. That, however, hasn’t stopped him from stepping into the ring.
Yeah, nah, fresh from getting slapped silly in a slapping competition, he has, apparently, challenged a Russian blogger to a boxing match in a dispute over ‘little arms’ or something. We’re not a hundred per cent confident in that assertion, but really, do you care? Do we care? He gets annihilated in about three minutes.
Anyway, he gets called Popeye because of his misshapen arms, and even though it’s all fake muscle, he’s started testing himself in physical competitions like slapping and MMA. There’s a feeling this is because of his dire need to fix his arms.
The injections have caused fibrosis and, in turn, necrosis. “In the beginning, I wanted to inject synthol oil into other parts of my body, but then the problems started and I stopped using it. At the moment, my arms are in a bad state and are reddening. I have launched a fundraiser to see a doctor in Europe for treatment that costs around 3 million RUB (close to 70,000 dollary-doos). I would love to go the UK for it, but the most important thing is that the treatment is successful.”
Final thought: Look, aside from ‘stay the f**k away from synthol’, we’re not sure of the moral of this one. What we do know, though, is that we hope Kirill gets his s**t sorted. Yeah, he’s made some mistakes, but he doesn’t want to be losing his arms. He doesn’t seem like a bad bloke, even if he should perhaps try another line of fund-raising.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Borderlands 3