Man On Train Busted Poking His Erect Penis Into A Unsuspecting Woman!
Trains are very busy, so it’s actually the perfect place to jam your erect penis into a woman’s bum without anyone noticing. Well there is a sentence I never thought I would write, and of course I’m kidding – you should never, ever do anything like that ever.
It’s hard to even get into the mind of someone who does things like that. Oh that’s a nice looking woman, I’d love to keep poking her with my c*ck -that’ll not just turn me on, she’ll love it too!!
The act in question occurred on the tube in East China’s Shanghai Municipality and incredibly only one person seemed to notice, which is the person filming. Using my incredible skills of deduction I have worked out that this person must have seen the perv doing the poke, then instead of getting up and telling him to stop (or knocking him out), they pulled out their phone and started filming!
In my eyes OK this is almost as bad as the offense itself! Let’s hope that at least the film can get this perv identified and locked up. The video has been viewed over 3.3 million times on Chinese social media sites so I think this guy’s anonymity is completely blown.
Incredibly, the woman does not seem to notice either. Maybe the man has a super soft penis that’s equivalent to a wet paper towel. Maybe that’s why he thinks he can get away with it. One of the people commenting on the video doubts the validity of the man’s member, saying “There is no way a Chinese Person has a member that long! 6 inches for sure (normal). He looks like a bull. If it is real, he has missed his calling as a porn star.”
I think this guy may have nailed it! Check it out here:
H/T: Unilad